CPQ Neurology and Psychology (2018) 1:2
Insight Paper

Neurophysiological Deregulatory Pathways Produce Psychosomatic Disorders

Naisberg Yakov

Department of Psychiatrist/Neurologist, National Israeli Center for Psychosocial Support of Survivors of the Holocaust and the Second Generation, Israel

*Correspondence to: Dr. Naisberg Yakov, Department of Psychiatrist/Neurologist, National Israeli Center for Psychosocial Support of Survivors of the Holocaust and the Second Generation, Israel.

Copyright © 2018 Dr. Naisberg Yakov. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 13 October 2018
Published: 12 November 2018

Keywords: GD; ANLO; BOR; THD; NEP’s; THR


The traditional medical model has been adopted to explain somatoform and psychosomatic disorders from the novel neuropsychological perspective of neurological science beyond these disorders. For most chronic diseases, the early immune state is characterized by innate mutation genes that interact with multiple factors, including continuous exposure to stress. There are two stages in developing somatoform and psychosomatic diseases. The first one due to genetic predisposition or genetically acquired during the constant personal strain that create the general distress (GD). This latter produces an intense discomfort with tension to set forward an automatic neuronal loop operation (ANLO), one of which can identify with fMRI and PET diagnostic methods. In the second phase, ANLO mobilizes excessive amounts of metabolic energy to accelerate the speed of body operational ranges (BOR) like see in technology with ‘full gas while the body is inactive’ to become the transient homeostatic deregulated (THD) relapse with ‘panic-like attacks’. In the state of homeostasis external physical information units absorbed and translated with outer biosensors into ionic flow through the ionic channels in the neuronal networks have been transferred into working memory centres. Single elongated lines of ionic channels work like specialized ‘neuronal electrical pathways (NEP’s). In the pathogenesis of the distress principle, several ionic channels are physically damaged and change the diameter, size, volume and thus obstruct the flow of informational units connected to proper ionic flow. In places of barriers automatically rises the electrical impedance level, but adjacent neuronal lipid membrane portions lower the electrical impedance levels permeating ionic flow automatically to continue to facilitate the ‘non-specific and indirect route of information units reach the centre of the regulation of one or several organs or systems and thus produce erroneous ion navigation. ANLO keeps on continually the functional faulty navigations with shunts of NEP’s that strengthen the deviations of ionic data flow to subcortical and cortical centres responsible for partially or fully regulating somatic organs and their systems, thus creating neuro-psychosomatic disorders that we are well aware of. But we have not yet known how such physical medical disorders were created. And now we will let them know and the psychotherapist can shoulder to shoulder with family doctors, neurologists and psychiatrist treat and transmit preventative ability in families who has psychosomatic members. Such real neuro-therapists will be actual medical therapists that restore real health and fulfilment. Neuro-psychotherapists who undergo training in the acquisition of knowledge and strategies, tools, physiologic techniques with neuro-psychotherapy will first be able to optimize and add effective tools and skills in the new toolbox that they’ll acquire. They will be able to release waiting lists of patients, and with predicted periods will improve their symptomatology and cause them to achieve transient homeostatic resynchronizing (THR) remission that replaces the morbid THD. The purpose of this article is twofold, confirming that THD is given at a fixed time to replace with THR and prevent long-term recurrence of new THD with dual devices, i.e. subjective approaches that patients will feel and correlations that will also be examined to correlate given data with a macro biophysical analyzer reaching the hands of the neuro-psychotherapists in nearby future.

Mayer et al. [1] presented solid evidence for neurological correlations in gastrointestinal function identified by brain imaging techniques. Cortical and subcortical regions such as the amygdala, the hippocampal network including thalamus, the basic nuclei of the hypothalamus and some of the prefrontal cortex, are responsible for stomach dyspepsia and heartburn symptoms, as well as chest pain not produced in the heart.

While Hong et al [2] revealed the insula cortex and in precuneus correlated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Boeckle et al [3] described neurological findings related to psychogenic conversions to implicate the function of the anterior insula, superior frontal gyrus, and anterior prefrontal and frontal cortex. Moriguch and Kumaki [4] showed an increase in brain blood flow (CBF) after 12 sessions of linear yoga, employing different types of accessories to maintain certain post-workout positions. This is a tiny part of the evidence that neurological signs correlate with so-called “acceptable dogmas” in psychology.

Neuro-psychotherapy based on neuro-biophysical physiological principles basically changes the current psychological status in relation to the psychosomatic model based on high-tech data from research with fMRI, PET, EEG, evoked potentials, changes in neurotransmitters and clinical flashbacks of traumatic events that have been encode and displayed during the tests. In fact, by practicing the old psychotherapeutic model, it merely inhibits the overall spectrum of psychosomatic prevention. So, by promoting brain research only always leave the positive macro biophysical physiological neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric practice behind diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention. Butler and Zeman [5] present the “duality” of the brain in the eyes of the mainstream of medical professionals. The most rational feature in explaining why to display fMRI psychosomatic pathology with temporal lightning (imaging) effects on the brain, this substance of psychosomatic symptoms appears dynamically and express their activity with activity symptoms connected to spatial neuronal networks. Lane et al [6] indicate that fMRI represents topographic centers in the cortex and sub-cortices of the psychosomatic symptoms known as ‘cardiovascular’, ‘stomach pain’ due to ‘gastrointestinal’ dysfunction, acute and chronic secret pain’. Phillips et al [7] refer to fMRI findings associated with depersonalization syndrome and Simeon et al [8] to prove this in PET investigation. Chan et al [9] use evoked potentials in anxiety states to show that they have affected breathing. Moreover, Holzel et al [10] point to neurotransmitter changes in employing attention techniques. Lambert et al [11] reveal clinical evidence of abnormal representation of images, while Johns et al [12] showed flashbacks in posttraumatic stress disorder.

When returning to ongoing psychosomatic diagnosis, prevention and treatment, the critical need for daily practice is indicated by the lack of available analysis of the innovative method of analyzing and calibrating the severity of somatoform and psychosomatic symptoms and their frequency in the monitoring process. To cultivate the practical advantage of extracts that help with the best and most convenient method, we must rely on the receipt of neuro-biophysical physiological data using the relevant analysis of the characteristic symptoms that exist in everyone in psychosomatic aspects. The best option for this design is to assemble an electronic device that is extended to non-invasive and portable biosensors to gather data during standardized tests, save the data and be able to perform its analysis thereafter the test in correlation with standardized psychological scales to demonstrate before patients’ their dynamic improving progression for practical needs that will boost a useful monitoring in the daily practice.

Healthy (Homeostatic) Survival and Adaptation
Healthy babies are born from healthy parents who have mutant genes usually stuck in the cultural and educational background that raises such children from birth to all stages of maturation in stress-free education while adhering to socially appropriate teaching boards and providing preventive medical surveillance. It takes place under the ideal everyday life of the person, which is designed to charge the physical and social education for the development of basic life skills. In addition, there is constant maintenance of proper drinking and nutrition, physical exercises, leisure habits and new innovations and hobbies, all of which confirm the health of the individual under homeostasis [13].

But, life is conducted very differently in a social environment by high-tech that creates so-called competitive environments to create instead of collaboration that increase unidentifiable anomalies that occur during everyday life but generate stress and exposure as an integral part of daily life events scenarios (LES). Healthy children develop strong resilience to adaptation and learn how to overcome scenarios of stressful events to achieve the survival and education skills necessary to satisfy their curiosity and to gain innovative skills and inventiveness. Healthy children use many social protection skills to increase their personal intelligence level and thus be designed for cooperation and harmonious team work. However, it is likely that such conditions can be achieved by learning that there is no way to ideal or even absolute health; however, one can reach a state of transient homeostatic resynchronizing (THR) condition which provides one with the basic personal experience of the body in calmness. Such elongated periods in a person’s life are given capabilities that continue. Therefore, the time is now approaching the re-education of neuro-psychotherapists in the use of fundamental neuro-psychotherapy that penetrates the patient’s awareness with neuro-biophysical physiological principles that can certainly advance patients in achieving the goals of the solid benefits of health. First and foremost, they need to be taught by the exercises how the brain that inserted units of physical information and transformed them into authentic neuro-biophysics physiological attached and intimately connected them to ionic flow along ionic channels in the neuronal mental networks, delivered them in such states to the working memory where they become recognized by voluntary regulation, analyzed and synthesized in the best positive way. Thus, each person has control over the state of health by selecting the quality and content of external information units on the one hand, and interpreting the three inseparable measures as cognitive, emotional, and behavioral concepts at the same time from the other hand. The outside world has an abundant number of inert macro physical objects, a complex of biological subjects, and different life event scenarios (LES), all of which are reflected in optical solar energy (photon units) and emit waves in different intensities. Also, there are waves that transmit sounds, provide certain vibrating odors, and touch the energy of size, shape, texture and color characteristics that pass through the air. They thus contact the external biosensors that resonate with these physical waves, thus passing on a demand for the production of metabolic energy by the same areas of external biosensors as specific stimulations that allow the absorption and translation of physical waves into the flow of micro neuro-biophysical physiological information units to become integrally interwoven within neuronal wiring networks. The information units are connected to the ionic stream through ionic channels in the neuronal networks and are operated step by step through all the passage of ionic channels of the part of the axon of the first neuron. The first flow reaches the presynaptic vesicles and in quantal numbers activate the latter to release an equal number of neurotransmitter molecules with attached to them information units into synapses in parallel processing. These molecules move toward the length of the synapse and reach the postsynaptic receptors of the second neuron to quantum stimulate them and repeat the ionic flow further in the same step by step in the arrangement. The power of maintaining the equivalent quantum stimuli across the entire sensory path (authentic) in the sequence of the three sensory neuronal; chain reaches the ionic flow into the working memory for recognition, analysis and synthesis. This allows one to sue instead of sensory neuronal networks to call them mental neural networks (MNN) that perform the function of collecting and transmitting external physical but mental by historical definition formations. Other parallel links provide the strength of the body’s operating range (BOR) required for its regulatory center. Another link moves to the limbic region where the given information is translated and produces the self-emotional experience to inform the given subject with the internal state of her or his organism.

In the case of basic homeostasis, it means that a given person has a solid health under the body tranquility, rewarding with pleasant feelings and a sense of cognitive well-being. Therefore, external information units always activate the mind that consists of three inseparable parts of cognition, emotion and behavior associated with the strength of the BOR which an integral part of coordinated harmony function under health is. And in all, the body-brain-mind operates as an integrated computer software with the computer hardware. In biological entities with human on top the regulation scale is portable and controlled by the individuals will desire whereas the brain cells are in which the information units have been encoded and where they act are static.

Transient Homeostatic Deregulated (THD) Relapses
Unhealthy babies are born from one or both parents who have abnormal mutant genes, so there are personal difficulties for raising such children. The infant suffers from stress-distress because for both sides, parent as caretakers and infants have no reserves to cope with a normal developmental process. Therefore, unhealthy children in this type of family undergo growth and development in daily social and family survival in a negative way because of the abnormal genes inherited or acquired very early due to insufficient daily care. They find themselves in a family and social situation deprived because none of them are able to correct their nature mainly by taking proper tools and techniques to nurture them because psychiatry and psychology in the traditional setting have little to offer except for ineffective drugs [14]. Why? This is because the external information units during interactions between mutated genes in an improper and deceptive stresscultivating manner that come from external biosensors that have been hit by streams of physical information units on the absorbent surface stimulate micro receptors and trigger the disproportional metabolic energy production that produces a maximum BOR level that is unable to properly guide neuronal electrical pathways (NEP) fine work which under extensive physical stimulation change the ionic channels size, shape and configuration and get blocked by extensive neuro-biophysical physiological information flow units. Such ordered linear ion channels become blocked and other parts of the neuronal membrane dropped the bioelectric impedance that causes the ionic flow with attached information units to turn the curves or shunts into other non-specifically neuronal electrical pathways (NEP’s) into regulatory centers of internal organs and systems. These internal organs and the systems to be deregulated get improperly name ‘psychosomatic disorders’. It is therefore clear that without the appropriate skills provided by the macro neuro-biophysical physiological neuro-psychotherapy, there is no chance of correcting children, adolescents, adults or elderly who suffer from one of more of such pathophysiology. The result is that these patients fall between the rightness from improving to worsening and reversing for many years without being able to leave a cycle of illness, and this is the bitter story of psychosomatic conditions.

Neuronal Electrical Pathways (NEP’s): Definition
For practical needs, it is better to call one extended line of neuronal ion channels the tiny neuronal wireanalog entity that has all the characteristics of physical electrical wires located within the lipid membrane under the term neuronal electrical pathway (NEP). As can be understood this is microstructural fibers that function effectively and even when some of the ionic flow channels are blocked. It must be underlined that laws of Physics prescribe the same properties applicable to electronic as well as operating across NEP’s.

The logical approach allows to consider increased probabilities that occur in the massive partial blockage of ion channels within the neuronal membrane. At this stage it is not practicable to detect obstructions and deflection or indirection by PET or fMRI imaging at spatial resolution. Therefore, for this reason, it is necessary to admit that we lack electronic devices for identifying and monitoring shunts of NEP’s or single neglect in function. Current brain imaging techniques are unable to detect localization of microstructural shunts as well as the macro biophysical physiological information units and their conductive trajectories. The process of authentic biophysical information units using non-specialized communication routes, entering proper information into memory centers is not working properly and interpreting them with psychosomatic symptoms. This is a typical phenomenon when work centers that do not specialize in memory that have been automatically have no means of correcting the identification of real errors. This leads to a faulty situation.

General Principles of Somatic/Autonomic Neuronal Webs Connectivity Normal Function
Before dealing with psychosomatics, there is a brief view of the organization and the function of the nervous system interactions with communication operations based on four basic digital and analog wire of cables are synchronized in a homeostatic and desynchronizing regulation in the homeostatic deregulation of the human organism in a way. Literally, the somatic nervous system consists of two subdivisions: a) sensory network connectivity composing of three neurons in a chain, and b) motor networks connectivity consisting of two neurons in a chain having also dedicated central processing unit for organization, management and implementation programs. The autonomic nervous system is also composed of two subdivisions, c) sympathetic connectivity of networks and parasympathetic connectivity (d). It is possible to understand pathology better by having precise knowledge about its normal (homeostatic) function. That’s why one acted with a concise description of it. For each micro-macro biophysical physiological activities, the physical laws of the structural and functional organizations is guided by synchronization with evolutionary information units to prescribe changes in the neuroplasticity due to the local ecological and social requirements. The main argument is that the peak in evolutionary development is to play functional harmony and always on the way to bring homeostasis adaptation.

So how do these somatic lumps and autonomic neuron cables perform?

The sensory system works with external biosensors that resonate technologically, as well discriminate to absorb and translate authentic traits. Suppose, a visual macro object is absorbed with given colors due to their different wavelengths farther away through neuronal communication serves as a communication pathway.

A unique line of neuronal membrane ionic channels is a standard unit to promote Na+ + K+ ion pumps with intimate, let say photon attachment units (the same with other types of information) throughout all ionic channels to a single presynaptic neuronal vesicle stimulating it. In this process, the latter gives the number of information units of photons as a fragment (pixel-like video) of an object reflected in the exterior. Under the physical law of conservation of improved metabolic energy [15], released neurotransmitter molecules should carry the same part of photon information units.

Neurotransmitters, carrying biophysical data units in synapses reach the postsynaptic receptors transfer photon information units by the same ionic generation waves passing through the second and third neurons in the axon chain. The last one gives the many dendrites branching into associations of other neurons to obtain a given microstructural neural network connectivity serving a communication path for a given transfer of biophysical physiological information units into working memory. Based on intact whole microstructural neuronal ion channel channels to promote with active ionic waves of a pump with photon particles are associated with the information units. The general principles of the reciprocal relations between the brain and the biophysical physiological mind should be explained:

• It is an active process of collecting and translating external physical into biophysical streams of information units.
• It fulfills the principle of the physical law of transfer is reflected in macro objects, and subjects.
• Live event scenes (LES) of authentic nature in a kind (like picture) information is divided into separate pixels (fractions) by separate neuronal pathways.
• Each single neuron path represents a unitary line of the neuronal membrane ion channels supply their ionic information units and flow part into the cerebral brain memory center.
• Each neuron should have on its membrane several elongated ion channels from the beginning of a unique neuronal chain for parallel transport in an orderly manner, another fragment dividing the flow of information units.
• Each spatial cluster of neurons has similar discriminatory factors that early
• during human development codes encode social survival information acquired to serve as indicators of a biological marker for detection.
• Under normal and normal internal conditions, all spatial neurons are integrated into a given end goal, all simultaneously parallel to tiny parts of information given to macro operational factors, as every person does in everyday life.

Referring to somatic connectivity neurons, the motor (mental-like function as sensory does) has two neuronchain and is under the voluntary (will) execute commands, and tasks per se. However, the sympathetic neuronal webs connectivity participates in the body operational ranges (BOR) with rapid prescription speed and with a parasympathetic order it creates the speed slowing motion. It is likely that the executive management system holds the immediate macro biophysical physiological characteristics that regulate voluntarism in its intensity, timing and extension, to engage in this type of regulation the sympathetic or parasympathetic neuronal connectivity. Regulating information processing traffic means control, unifies hand to create a quantitative amount of metabolic energy. On the other hand, it is design to perform traffic speed, concurrent processing synchronization and processing information under the given BOR level. A practical example should demonstrate the function.

Let’s assume a healthy female athlete and a male with a psychosomatic disorder, each of them wearing a portable monitor of pulse rate and one of the EEG electrodes to be on task performance. Suppose she covers 200 meters divided into four equal parts, but at different pace steps. A male with psychosomatic symptoms performs the same task covering a 100 m distance.

Their data is shown in the difference in Table A and B.

Table A

Table B

Now let's look at the table A. Suppose the female focuses on the task. She treats the distance by keeping her pace in pace. If for such a task, suppose 600.00 action neurons, each of which possesses [12] twelve rows of linear ion channels from their beginning to their target. By having these basic math parameters, one can analyze the athlete's performance on each step. Therefore, during the 24-hour cycle, four BOR stages related to speed, at rest, under minimal physical, mental or combined loads can be expected under medium speed load and eventually reach the maximum BOR load. Assume that the BOR is maintained by two rows of neural electrical pathways (NEP's) during the resting state. Then for minimum BOR loading uses four (4 NEP's), for moderate BOR loading uses seven [7] NEP's for maximum BOR every twelve (12 NEP's). The fundamental point here is that only several neurons is multiplied by the number of linear lines activated NEP's mobilize a given BOR loaded mode under which information processing units takes place.

Regulated Macro Biophysical Physiological Velocity-Accelerate and Velocity-Decelerate BOR in Health Versus Deregulated Demands in Loading
All reflected waves of external physical information travel with physical energy on the wave under its given velocity. Let us prove with an example. Suppose an animal ran on a sunny day under a free sky. Changing directions and speed brings the spectator’s eye to strains of frequencies that can be visualized if one is also with fixed EEG electrodes on his head in a steady seated position. The EEG needs to exhibit different oscillation patterns that may be compatible with an analog technological template if such a vision was filmed in the image and retranslated to electrical oscillations. Expect the same pattern as direct eye observation and technological description. This leads to the process of understanding that each physical wave, whether optical, acoustic, odor or contact, reaches external biosensors with a given quantum of energy sources, and activates BORs to create authentic metabolic energy levels. So, all types of external information produce some physical demand that requires a certain feedback adjustment under stable external and internal conditions.

Of course, under deregulation, predictable input and output can be foreseen. But they will always look like electromagnetic disruptions, like urge or like impulses. In each type of neuropsychology appears a clinical precondition, i.e. the desire to control partially and in severe cases completely out of voluntary control placing all BOR operations under automatic control with psychological or/and multiplex psychiatric symptoms. Under these conditions, most of the BOR’s disproportionate activities occur on every small requirement, which shows a severe loss of ‘internal brakes’ to indicate that the body controls the Software-like portable Mind of the importable brain. By paraphrasing such a situation, it sounds like ‘the materialistic portable software of the mind is a slave to the importable body-brain.

Brain’s Topographical Spatial Resolution in Identifying Sub-cortex and Cortex Representation of Body Organs and Systems
The somatosensory spatial representation of the head, hands and feet is well known on the surface of the cortex. This classic representation of functional regulation of all sensory information types, one’s motor, autonomous and performed by sympathetic parasympathetic types of information is now highly valued both in neuroscience and macro biophysical physiological neuro-psychotherapy. Brodman’s brain mapping was proposed by a German anatomist about 100 years earlier, which histologically and functionally divided the cortex into 52 spatial regions of the cortex. The high-tech today in the field of computer science and especially in artificial intelligence, irreversible proves that the intelligent human mind level is the product of copying the abundance of physical external information waves and by our external biosensors they have been absorbed and translated into streams of micro-macro biophysical physiological information units. The latter gets attached to ionic flow waves through the linear NEP’s receive in health states and their final targets operate more accurately than the most advanced technological facility does. All in all, advanced devices invented by humans mean that the knowledge they have acquired comes from the world around them that gives ideas about how they should look and function. Therefore, during training psychologists with physical and macro biophysical physiological neuro-psychotherapy, one must bring and present advanced maps of the Brodman brain map to better understand the interaction between nature and the concrete nurture forms of neuro-biophysical physiologic cultivation.

The Macro Biophysical Physiological Background of Psychosomatic Loading
The common professional knowledge determines when there is a faster pulse rate at rest to indicate that the BOR in a given state operates on stronger heart beats, in effect it means bringing such a condition to one that must stimulate additional numbers of neurons and additional numbers of activate NEP’s should be maintained. As the number of neurons multiplied by the number of activated (NEPs), the higher electronic energy posed by a psychosomatic person in a harmless physical test can help to identify its value, since it was useful in a higher state of mathematics exercise. Minimal physical loading increases the loading of BOR by means of data waves using several neurons to multiply by the number of NEP’s speed up at rest state and keep this trend loading further. The same tendency display EEG oscillations. If we leave connected to several neurons, it seems unlikely that a number of neurons activated in this case is above the actual need for carrier consistency in such an exercise. This indicates on the high probability that the number of neurons of any out of many in a distinct neuronal webs connectivity that participate in each micro/macro biophysical physiological information processing may regulate the BOR monitors loading in healthy subjects.

On the contrary, that processing of defective information inevitably creates psychosomatic symptoms in the same ways as any physical symptoms. Under these basic conditions, one must rationalize the first principle of microstructural and micro-functional route communication neurons; some fractions of an entire object, a subject or a life event scenario (LES), should travel parallel through successive row-by-line NEP’s to become well defined.

The same rationalization applies to the second principle of microstructural and micro-function, stating that there is more than a single NEP across one sensory neuron. We have solid evidence of a single neuron branching to hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands of tiny dendrites reaching other neurons for communication [16,17]. The main point here is that the NEP’s ‘hold practical implications’. The third principle should be explained by NEP. If for any reason, any microstructural change in size, volume or configuration of single ion channels in membrane neurons or in the composition of the bilayer lipid neuronal membrane occur this may lead to ion blockages and obstructions causing bio-electrical impedance to drop in adjacent microblock area. The most common cause for such a micro biophysical distress, may be infection, inflammation, edemas, transient ischemia, metabolic changes or the well-known physical stress. The incoming information entering the direct blockage may be pushed into an area with low bio-impedance entering non-specialized NEP or NEP’s. Through such a huge branching that are not specialized in NEP, they transmit their wrong message to the working memory center in the brain to create real hallucinations or psychosomatic or mixed symptoms. The elongated lines of ion channels in the fine neuron membrane precisely organize in the form they are. If single microstructural neurons are vulnerable to any damage, so are the group of channels in the neuronal membrane ion. It is quite conceivable that some distress is partially blocking some micro area of the brain and thousands of membrane neurons ion channels get blocked too. Some of those of NEP’s respond to a partial blockage in reducing the bio-impedance threshold along with a pathological blockage by transmitting real information through an abnormal (non-special) NEP’s supply, let’s say a partial visual message to the visual occipital center of the brain that is synchronized with BOR. As a result, such a person would experience banging and agitation, and at the same time lacking other pathology. Its tiny microstructural dysfunction of ion channels may undergo severe alteration or chronic persistent change, in fact having central but not peripheral and local pathology.

Biophysical Information Processing of External Nature
External physical information waves from local ecology reflected from macro objects, subjects, live event scenes in optical, acoustic, scent, and touch units attached to physical information wave’s travel through air. These physical waves have been resonantly absorbed with outer biosensors and translated into authentic biophysical physiological raw information processing. The latter at cerebral working memory centers undergo reproducing processes. In parallel, inner organs and systems emit micro chemical substances to stimuli the sympathetic and parasympathetic webs connectivity matched with externally prescribed body operational ranges (BOR). Together, four, sensory, motor (executive), sympathetic and parasympathetic synchronize information processing, under a unify macro biophysical mind (MBM) presets; regulating the homeostatic organism’s function. Dysregulation across certain, either somatic (sensory-motor) or autonomic (sympathetic and parasympathetic) cerebral webs connectivity lead to emergence of pure ‘somatic’ or somatoform’ or mixed symptoms. Both types have a common denominator cherished and fostered by the same macro biophysical information processing. Hence, psychosomatics are the dynamic physical disturbances. A favorable type of daily physiological psychotherapeutic dynamics allows regulate prevention of psychosomatic emergence.

Macro Biophysical Physiological Neuro-Psychotherapeutic Factors Addressing to Specific Points

1. Providing reliable pathophysiological information on these deregulated functions attributed to daily factor-causing stress, that lead to,
2. A direct link between pathophysiological distress and pathological symptoms under accelerated body action (BOR) ranges that lead to,
3. Approximate calibration of intensity, frequency and expansion exposure in daily issues that lead to,
4. The binding relationship between personal stress and the effect of transient homeostatic deregulation (THD) on a daily quality of life is disturbing, depressing, and harmful that lead to,
5. Awareness develops to lose the desire to control a personal malfunction that lead to,
6. Building local insight that is irreplaceable for ‘life, health, well-being, and personal quality of life’, to boost cooperation and trust between doctor and patient that lead to,
7. Adhering to the ‘signs of disease only with doctors’, avoiding ‘self-talk’ and ‘others’ about complaints. This is like ‘salt in the wound,’ and a necessity to focus on external issues to distract one from intrusive thoughts lead to,
8. Set the patient’s ‘safe and security belt’ in her or his natural environment to facilitate handling of high pressure that lead to,
9. Practice personal stress management strategies and self-managing techniques that lead to,
10. Using personal tools and interactive indirect techniques, which lead to,
11. Practice personal adaptation to problem solving techniques, which lead to,
12. Become accustomed to self-testing to achieve a THR state under body tranquility corrected by a pleasant feeling and a sense of cognitive well-being, that lead to,
13. Critical role in self-control to control THR by self-experience that is verified and correlated with a test by a multi-dimensional electronic device.

Do We Are Able to Prevent Psychosomatic Disorders?
This seems likely by presenting the new practical doctrine and we will be able to reorganize pathophysiological changes that have improving courses to make them into more normal body operational ranges (BOR). When talking about prevention in psychiatric cases, it is preferable that the practical needs will successfully address short periods of time in the recurrence of transient homeostatic resynchronizing conditions of any patient the given method, which will boost their motivation to complete an entire THR. So how should a neuro-psychotherapist start his or her practice? The best way is to present very clear questions to provide rational but scientifically based answers:

The Patient’s Question: How can I be sure that my psychosomatic disorder is a physical disorder?

Neuro-Psychotherapist: Because, over the past decades, brain imaging techniques have been proven with hard evidences of neurological findings in the cluster of patients with somatoform and psychosomatic disorders.

The Patient’s Question: If this is the case, then why are the doctors who referred me to many physical examinations and in the end they told me that I am free from any physical illness. Are they wrong?

Neuro-Psychotherapist: No, they’re right! None of the internal organs have any pathology. Your pathophysiology is physical in nature. And this type of absorption and translation of physical waves of information units that travel through air and bear mirroring physical images of macro-objects, biological entities and life event scenarios (LES) being translated into neuronal information processing throughout neuronal webs connectivity are facts.

The Patient’s Question: A neurologist told me that I did not suffer from a neurological disease. Did he make an unforgivable mistake?

Neuro-Psychotherapist: Not sure. So far, psychosomatic disorders have been largely addressed by psychologists or psychiatrists with their old but less effective models, rather than by the new macro biophysical physiological neuro-psychotherapy.

The Patient’s Question: But I still have not grasped the central idea that my disorder is physical.

Neuro-Psychotherapist: Until a few weeks ago I myself thought of it as a mental disorder on my old model of therapy. After being trained with 8 sessions ‘of an innovative macro neuro-biophysical physiological workshop, I changed my awareness about my psyche and gained new insight into the macro neuro-biophysical physiological information units of the Mind.

The Patient’s Question: Wait a minute. Now you claim that my brain is made up of neuro-biophysical physiological information units, and if so who creates them?

Neuro-Psychotherapist: Yes, the first part of your question is true. The remaining part requires an explanation. Biological entities within our environment create a lot of physical optical, acoustic, odor and tactile information parts and unit parts. These bear waves through the air under certain amounts of a certain type of physical energy to come into intimate contact with external human biosensors. The surface area of all external biosensors contains miniature receptors specializing in resonating with the arrival of microphysical information units that absorb them to translate into units of neuro-biophysical information units in the same intensity. Under homeostatic (healthy) states they were delivered using three chain of sensory neurons in parallel processing to the working memory centers that were given for detection, analysis and synthesis. So, the physical information units of vision, hearing, vibrational scent, touch, and taste composing of natural material sources, which initially become ionic flow that is actively distributed through ion channels of neuronal lipid bilayer membranes throughout the chain of three sensory neurons to working memory.

The Patient’s Question: Now I understand that my mind works with neuro-biophysical physiological information units within special neurons (one thing works with another). But how does this matter have a secondary effect on the other matter?

Neuro-Psychotherapist: This is an excellent question that will satisfy your curiosity to help you deal positively with your problem. Thus, the stress resulting from the daily life events hit your outer biosensors. Neuroscientific research has shown that most people are born from parents who have been mutated in the genes or acquired during prolonged exposure to physical stress. Physical stressful information units may adversely affect the ion channels in the membrane of neurons causing them impairments in size, volume or configuration. Such physical changes may block the flow of ions with attached information units to alter its special target path, and automatically others who do not specialize in arbitrarily enter the centers of internal organs regulation and system to create physical interference like yours. Brain researchers in cases of your nature have identified the removal of certain neurological sites in the brain from being during fMRI or stimulated PET testing. Therefore, the bad news is that you have a physical disorder of transient homeostatic deregulated mode (THD) that is maintained by abnormal functioning neuronal electrical pathways (NEP’s).

However, the good news is that neuro-psychotherapists who have the new knowledge and skills will in groups introduce you with new macro biophysical physiological strategies, tools, techniques that contain placebo effects to affect your overall organism.

The Patient’s Question: You assume release me from my suffering just by talking. Do I need medication?

Neuro-Psychotherapist: Some patients may need a small dose of prescription drugs, or by a family doctor or psychiatrist. Small to moderate doses are designed only to completely avoid side effects and help to calm the body a bit. With regard to neuro-psychotherapy there are a number of prerequisites to settle down on the spot and provide you with a list of categorical avoidance sessions on active or passive personal stress. Moreover, maintaining a timed daily life schedule where you must take care of liquid intake of about 1.5 to 2.0 liters per day, about 3 to 4 medium meals with basic nutrition of containing protein, carbohydrates and especially unsaturated fats, fresh vegetables and fruits. The following are the necessary conditions for implementing the personal plan:

1. The treatment is design to optimize and even maximize group influence on the positive and personal effects.

2. Focusing primarily on the personal awareness of the essential need to weaken, undermine and gradually remove any abnormal neuronal loop operation (ANLO) as follows:

a. Constantly blocking all intrusive thoughts by active changes of attention on neutral or positive external issues or in life events scenarios.
b. Moderate short-term walking or physical exercises to calm the body.
c. Using reading, writing, playing leisure to distract attention from unpleasant symptoms, emotions, etc.
d. Completely blocks the reflection on mental illness, suicidal thoughts, or other incompatible thoughts or actions.
e. Never talk to family, friends or acquaintances about self-symptoms or negative experiences, except discussing medical problems with direct professionals.

All points together were designed to bring the body into relaxation from morning to evening and thus during a long period of time the potential of abnormal mutant genes weaken and the potential deregulation of the ANLO is less and less disturbing to a particular person.

3. Gradually pay attention to keep thoughts on current events of nature in neutral or positive events.

4. If a person has positive life events from her past or present, they can use them to respond to one goal only, to keep the body calm.

5. Always remember that it is possible to correct real mistakes from current life events scenarios. We will never solve the mistake of the past. What’s done is done. We may regret and never repeat this mistake, but we must avoid self-blame or self-guilt because they may revive the former ANLO.

6. There should be no self-discussions about problematic issues that are stressful and that actively maintain automatic ANLO performance.

7. Never force your thoughts, your mind or your judgment on others, be aware that one person you can educate is only self. Therefore, being patient with others is the best way to avoid misunderstanding that are the actual stresses.

8. Never build self-delusion in relation to current or future issues, because they have never understood the positive dream behind them and for this reason they may lead to disillusionment and tension.

9. Make sure that group therapy interactions, each participant can bring symptoms instead of just the life event scenery (LES) of the daily encounter. The neuro-psychiatrist therapist will avoid such issues. What is important is the nature of the encounter itself. If one has accepted it as positive, neutral and stressful because everyone must learn how to protect self from the stress.

10. Never try without training in a good group of people to avoid stress. Better is to confidently practice it and only then using in a stressful environment. Such practical steps will be useful for your comfortable feeling of knowing when and why you should leave the personal stressful situation.

11. All your assertive training in a therapeutic group will help you consolidate and balance suitable for your comfortable tools and means to keep your previous ANLO under good suppression.

12. What you learn for yourself is a vital daily survival pace. As your macro neuro-biophysical physiological body is in a tranquil state, it rewards you with pleasant feelings and a healthy sense of cognitive well-being, which in itself makes it possible for you foster you much stronger with the Mind to achieve better social adjustment.

13. Another essential improvement is as much as you keep it in such a situation as you learn self-adjustable neuropsychological protective tools and live skills that provide more personalized quality of daily life.

14. Keep your body peaceful from morning to evening to ensure healthy sleep to fulfill the natural expectation of any healthy-induced personal circadian cycle’s daily active and nightly passive in sleep to remodeling the new healthy regimen.

15. By achieving this goal you will be able to fill in tangible practical help of directing your daily attention efforts to finding and using your tools and techniques to keep your body calm and satisfied and to be your best marker for your inner health.

16. Internal health really means one that the general organism is under automatic homeostasis or equilibrium that take control of the inner regulatory synchronization of the overall spectrum of physiological defense mechanisms and become the best medical assistant to remodeling the new and true health.

17. By a deep understanding of the importance of correct self-regulation of the dynamics imposed in everyday life of maintaining serene body is a fundamental point of macro biophysical physiological neuropsychotherapy and describes the royal role of intelligent personal insight helps to recruit her or his proactive efforts to fulfill their dreams that the health back may come true.

18. He or she must realize that when achieving these prerequisites is actually the culmination of the true beginning of the neuro-therapeutic process during which psychosomatic people start getting real customized strategies, and many means to completely eliminate the negative background of THD and replace it with THR.

The innovative neuro-psychotherapeutic method declares the new way in understanding and treating the neuro-psychosomatic diseases that also include somatoform ones, which actively inhibit the automatic abnormal neuronal loop operation (ANLO) by gradually suppressing its operational condition called transient homeostatic deregulated (THD) relapse and simultaneously to voluntarily stimulate the body operational ranges (BOR) guiding its progress to achieve a stable transient homeostatic resynchronizing (THR) condition of remission in order to create a healthy new neuronal loop for its sustenance. So, these were years that the author of this article had tried to understand how to turn off the ANLO that automatically regulated the macro biophysical pathophysiological mechanisms and at the same time gradually ignite a healthy neuronal loop by actively protecting means of voluntary control over maintenance over long-lasting terms.

The Macro biophysical physiological neuro-psychotherapy is the best practical system of tools and means soundly heralding fundamental hallmarks how and in which way a person unintentionally was exposed to physical stress and developed pathophysiological distress due to her or his inner inborn or acquired abnormal mutated genes. As a result, they develop current dynamics in which one gets into transient homeostatic deregulated (THD) relapses. These conditions have been mistakenly named as ‘somatoform and psychosomatic disorders’ and treated as a ‘non-physical disorder.’ Such a faulty approach entirely disarmed neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists from real medical treatment. However, the old psychotherapy motivated psychologists and psychotherapists to persistently staying stronger in realizing cognitive, behavior and positive ‘here and now’ dynamics rather than psychiatrists with drug biochemistry approach. The macro biophysical physiological neuro-psychotherapy offers a straightforward accurate medical system that will enrich conventional psychotherapists with neurologically rational meaningful actions and a full set of strategies, tools, techniques and skills used in real non-drug neuro-psychotherapy to replace THD with a transient homeostatic resynchronizing (THR) remission that is based on achieving body tranquility to reward one with positive emotion and a cognitive sense of well-being.


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