CPQ Medicine (2020) 9:1
COVID Issue Paper

Be Safe in This Outbreak of Coronavirus

Ashraful Kabir

Department of Biology, Saidpur Cantonment Public College, Nilphamari, Bangladesh

*Correspondence to: Dr. Ashraful Kabir, Department of Biology, Saidpur Cantonment Public College, Nilphamari, Bangladesh.

Copyright © 2020 Dr. Ashraful Kabir. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 09 July 2020
Published: 14 July 2020

Keywords: Coronavirus; Outbreak; Hygiene; PPE

All viruses can change their genetic code anytime so this is not completely possible to destroy them. In this case, there is no short-cut of personal hygiene and understanding about them. At the time of outbreak, people need to know such things which are very important for their life saving. Home quarantine, very limited access in the market with adequate protection, social distance, and family hygiene all are very important to recover from this situation. This coronavirus is a very simple virus like other viruses. It makes simple fever with other general symptoms. Mental power is very important for an affected or normal person. We should not panic and not deliver any negative news in public. We will follow the ultimate health-related guidelines from those experts in this field.

Since the genetic structure of the coronavirus can be changed simultaneously but possible to prevent them by knowing some preventive measures. Human have very strong immune system naturally. The people who have good fitness and maintain regular indoor or outdoor activities with good food they can easily maintain any social disaster like coronavirus outbreak. Till now, antiviral drugs are not available in the market; most of them are anti-bacterial drugs. For quick changing capability within the genes of such viruses, this is not easy to make an antidote against them. Our both hands carry much more dangerous germs. 80% diseases can be happened by both hands. Only hand washing can prevent such diseases like coronavirus spreading.

After coming in home from the outside we should wash our both hands properly by any soap. This is our primary work but this is very effective. Outside cloths will be separated. Without emergencies, we should not go to the market and if it is needed of course will use adequate protection. In fact, market is always full with people and many people are there dirty. They spit on road and smoke here and there. Mask and hand gloves can be commonly used in this case. Always try to make some distances with other people especially in the market. When all people will know about their hygiene, the spreading of the viruses will be limited. If anybody is affected by this virus they will take proper medications by consulting with a prescribed physician.

Results and Recommendations

Life is the First
Without life we cannot do anything. In Bangladesh some students always ignore their Biology subject. Without the knowledge of Biology they cannot protect themselves. If a scientist wants to invent the vaccine of coronavirus they must know Biology.

Personal Hygiene
This is very important to protect from any natural disaster also. Maximum problems not only coronavirus but also other pathogenic micro-organisms may invade in home through unhygienic states.

Outdoor Activities
Give information that enjoyment in an outdoor activity, health benefits of regular exercise and environmental benefits of lowering fossil fuel consumption are good [1]. Medical waste including home care materials contains highly toxic metals, toxic chemicals, pathogenic viruses, and bacteria [2,3]. About 60% cleansers and 57% waste collectors/local residents also suffered [4]. Some people are most vulnerable in outside. They regular go out from their house and mix with lots of people. They are used to take regular tea with many dirty people. They use same cup or dish which are dangerous for infecting many more diseases. Some take their cigarettes by sharing. Some have bad habits and therefore they pollute the environment of the clinics and hospitals [5]. Always avoid those places where many people are gathered. If any diseased person sneezes outside other people will be infected easily. We should use minimum a mask there for the primary protection. In any outbreak within a short time in the market we will complete our shopping. Spitting on road and smoking in open place are very common and it looks very dirty. If any parents having these bad habits in front of their children automatically they will be habituated to do. Home education ensures good food habit, personal hygiene, moral and religious education [6].

Regular bath is good for health. Heavy sweating body needs two times bath in a day. By sweating many pathogenic micro-organism can release from the body. One thing is important here that sweat can preserve pathogenic fungus on our body so it should wash-out and dry properly.

Concern About Food
Approximately 2-10% of cases of confirmed COVID-19 disease present with diarrhea [7-9]. The COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking-water supplies, and based on current evidence; the risk to water supplies is low [10]. In any outbreak for shortening food materials in the market, we will buy less. If anybody buys huge food from the market of course some will not get food and ultimately one will get more nutrition and another will suffer malnutrition. Animal protein should take limited in any outbreak because they have blood, strong respiratory system, digestive system etc. During slaughtering or processing those meats they are very vulnerable to human. Avian flu, swine flu, mad-cow, and duck-plague come from animals. Vegetables and fruits should wash properly.

Religious Views
As public are fathered in any religious place so it will be better to continue those activities in home. This is safe for them or other people of the family.

Illegal Acts
Very few illegal acts can be happened not only in coronavirus outbreak but also in other social disasters. Some people always try to take extra benefit by storing food for their more profit. In any national and international affairs we always motivate them for discouraging this type of activity.

Animals are Safe
Road-side cats and dogs are common in any dustbin and when those animals will come in home people can be affected easily [5]. In any outbreak we will provide feed for our pets timely. This is our common practice to blame animals in any disease outbreak. During entering any animal farms, we will use gloves, mask, apron, goggle, and cap also. After leaving that farm bath is sufficient for germ-free body. If any animal becomes sick they will be separated immediately for the treatment. Dead animals should be buried out immediately.

Declaring Everything Closed
Offices, educational institutions, organizations, and shops will be declared close promptly in any outbreak season.

Quality Time With the Family
For home quarantine, some children will get quality time with their parents. Some parents are very busy and cannot give adequate time on their children.

Enjoying Movie
Movies are the mirrors of the society. A good movie can resolve many solutions of the nation. Famous movies can be a best friends at home in these situation.

Hospitality in Home
Who is affected or not we do not know in any outbreak season so we should not allow our relatives not only own safety but also their life too.

Exercise can increase our immunity. We will maintain indoor exercise like yoga and light weights. Walking on roof can be an alternative of outside walking. Free hand exercise, stretching, and warm-up are must before any hard workout.

Sympathy to Other People
This is the golden time to focus your sympathy to others. We will provide food, cloth, or other materials to the poor. We will show our sharing mentality to others in this coronavirus outbreak.

Personal hygiene includes nail cutting, cut hair too short, clean cloths, regular shower, hand wash, careful handling of pets etc. Maximum problems come through the unhygienic condition. Around the hospital, clinics, and dustbin we should clean always. These are the major source of infection. When people will go outside will maintain social distance; they will not use same utensils in restaurants. One-time materials are good in this case. In any long journey we will bear own food and appliances. Spitting on road and smoking in open place are very dangerous for dispersing micro-organisms. Less amount of animal protein and after purchasing fruits and vegetables proper washing is very good practice not only in this coronavirus situation but also other natural disasters too. At the time in animal farm we should use personal equipment. In home quarantine, we will maintain indoor exercises like warm-up, stretching, free-hand, yoga, light weights, walking on roof, etc.


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