CPQ Medicine (2022) 13:4
Research Article

Obsessive Need to Wage War - Kleptomania Krig. Medicine and War: A Psychiatric Proposal of a General Condition

Desmond Ayim-Aboagye

Department of Human Development and Psychology, Regent University College of Science and Technology, Accra, Ghana

*Correspondence to: Dr. Desmond Ayim-Aboagye, Department of Human Development and Psychology, Regent University College of Science and Technology, Accra, Ghana.

Copyright © 2022 Dr. Desmond Ayim-Aboagye, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 11 June 2022
Published: 08 August 2022

Keywords: Anxiety; Depression; Kleptomania Krig; Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder; Paranoid Schizophrenia; Paranoid Symptoms; Phobia Disorders; Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD); War


The article provides the most authentic research interviews about the problem of wars. It has to do with covetousness and stealing and a deliberate misinterpretation of facts to connive about war. This scientific investigation proposes a type of war condition called Kleptomania krig, which is an obsessive need to wage war to confiscate other less powerful nations or individuals’ properties.

The research uses clinical interviews and other empirical data, which are from naturalistic incidences and several years ago’s competent historians and eyewitnesses’ accounts. The reliability and validity of the materials were very high. These data are subsequently subjected to constant scrutiny through films and live live reporters’ information. Overall 20 informants participated in the research, and their backgrounds reveal well-informed informants that have experiences with war research and had knowledge of mental disorders.

Stealing-covet disorders, which have been termed Kleptomania krig, have been the cause of several war disorders that have allowed patients (mostly individuals with personality disorders and leaders with symptoms of psychiatric disorders) to fight continuously and engineer wars all over the earth. They were not understood by the primitive antediluvian peoples that lived in the middle belt of the Ancient world. The reasons why men suffered during these years were that there was no knowledge about normal and abnormal behaviors, therefore, human beings could not distinguish between them. The twenty informants agreed with these views and asserted that these wars are currently being waged on the planet by some leaders who have dire conditions that pretend to be well.

Men must consider the abolishment of these evil behaviors that result in waging war because of underlying symptoms and their disorders. War had claimed the lives of millions just as an epidemic such as Covid-19 has caused devastation in the civilized modern world. But men had no adequate scientific knowledge to deal with earlier wars, but now we do.

There were periods in human beings’ world where laws were not the ruling instruments that governed the lives and practices of men. These periods characterized unlawful manners of dealing with men who could be considered uncivilized and extremely barbaric. During those days, people could manufacture stories that could lead to the confiscation of other neighbors’ properties and belongings. Innocent people could forfeit their lands, cattle, a flock of sheep, and other valuable properties because of the greedy nature of other stronger men in societies. These periods were times when peace was not found among the majority of people living in Europe and elsewhere in the world where the stronger races ruled and decided matters of life and death of the weaker nations.

There were periods in human beings’ world where laws were not the ruling instruments that governed the lives and practices of men. These periods characterized unlawful manners of dealing with men who could be considered uncivilized and extremely barbaric. During those days, people could manufacture stories that could lead to the confiscation of other neighbors’ properties and belongings. Innocent people could forfeit their lands, cattle, a flock of sheep, and other valuable properties because of the greedy nature of other stronger men in societies. These periods were times when peace was not found among the majority of people living in Europe and elsewhere in the world where the stronger races ruled and decided matters of life and death of the weaker nations.

Wars were rampant because there was no order, peace, and stability on the earth as everybody could be master so far as this person could manage to conquer those living around. Wars on Earth took these forms where the stronger men could become the master of the world and the protector of the weak in some societies. These experiences were strikingly found in the Medieval and Dark Ages, where the Lords and Dukes could have authority over many people just because they had the riches, power, and strength to fight and protect these folks from being mobbed or put into slavery by their captors [1].

The Objective of the Study
This study aims to describe and comprehend the manner individual leaders of nations use war to accomplish their secret goals, which most of the time have to do with the acquisition by force and confiscation of other peoples’ properties and natural resources. In the form of a special operation or war, covetousness and stealing valuable rich resources such as land, oil, and mineral resources were done while they find reasonable causes of explanations why they pursue these illegitimate wars in secret or open. There were genuine illnesses of the leaders as they contracted specific psychiatric disorders, and the majority of citizens were not aware of them due to propaganda tactics they led the nation to the accomplishment of illegal disturbances in the vicinity. These wars could spread to other regions and distant territories. The suffering leader, who may be devoid of empathy and identification from their ignorant and unsympathetic citizens, may eventually die with the illness or live with it amidst enormous mass murder and genocide activities in the surrounding milieu.

Methodological Considerations
The research employs clinical interviews and other empirical materials, which are of recent incidences as well as several years ago that have been analyzed by competent historians and eyewitnesses. The reliability and validity of the materials were very high, and they were subsequently subjected to constant scrutiny through films and live reporters. These come from those who furnish renowned media in the different quarters of the developed world information. While the researcher gathered many interviews with informants in the less developed world, a greater part of the informants hailed from renowned centers of learning [2,3]. Overall 20 informants participated in the research, and their backgrounds reveal well-informed academicians who have several years of experience with war research and had a sounding knowledge of mental disorders. The relationship between mental illness and wars became the main focus of the research which was originally initiated at the Uppsala University Department of Peace Studies, and later different experiences with Psychiatric Clinics in Sweden and Ghana were obtained.

Significance of the Study
The investigation will contribute to research in Military Psychiatry and Peace and Conflict Studies.

Toward A New Theory on War
War has been part and parcel of man for many centuries. Even though recently there have been many studies of war that have resulted from the unearthing of significant theories regarding war and its conflict resolutions, there have not been many connections of war origination made to mental illness. Mental health association with war has been common and accepted, but its affinity to the causes of war in the first place has not been emphasized [4]. The study has the thesis that war origination may have a strong connection with mental illness. In other words, most of the men who commenced war had some form of mental illness that compel them to engage in war activities [5].

Theories on War, Military Psychiatry, and Mental Disorders
War provides the means where many individuals with different psychiatric disorders could go around killing and destroying both properties and other less equipped human beings in societies. It provides a legitimate means to harm innocent people though they say there are good laws that govern these wars. But the laws are hardly observed when the wars become intense. While there may be court trials after the war or while the war is going on, the harms that have been wrought could never be visited or righted. It may be too late to wake the person who had died up. And when there had been emotional and physical injuries such as amputations of hands, and legs, destruction of eyes or ears, raping, and sexual harassment of women, the victims cannot have their victimized bodies’ parts back. Some people endure these disorders with physical pain and handicap forever [6-9]. Even military involvement in warfare can have dramatic consequences for the mental health and well-being of military personnel [10].

War provides the means where many individuals with different psychiatric disorders could go around killing and destroying both properties and other less equipped human beings in societies. It provides a legitimate means to harm innocent people though they say there are good laws that govern these wars. But the laws are hardly observed when the wars become intense. While there may be court trials after the war or while the war is going on, the harms that have been wrought could never be visited or righted. It may be too late to wake the person who had died up. And when there had been emotional and physical injuries such as amputations of hands, and legs, destruction of eyes or ears, raping, and sexual harassment of women, the victims cannot have their victimized bodies’ parts back. Some people endure these disorders with physical pain and handicap forever [6-9]. Even military involvement in warfare can have dramatic consequences for the mental health and well-being of military personnel [10].

Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD
Psychoactive drug treatments and management of psychiatric disorders such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD), depression, anxiety disorders, paranoid and catatonic schizophrenia, and phobic disorders are prolonged. There are also emotional feelings of individuals who describe their experiences of pain and anger. When the war ends, it does not mean that these troubles have also ended; these strong feelings of anger and emotional feelings would spark a series of latent disorders which would not stop easily. Bipolar disorders which some of these leaders suffer are not easily discovered which could continue to disturb them if the leaders are not accidentally eliminated or killed through this war [14].

Concluding Remarks on War and Mental Disorders
The forgoing theoretical research analysis has stressed the dangers of war on mental health in society. War brings to the larger society many problems such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, paranoid symptoms, paranoid schizophrenia, and phobia disorders. These salient problems, which many societies’ citizens suffer have concomitant economic consequences as well. Hospitals are usually meant to care for patients who are sick and those seriously injured during wars and peacetime, and yet during wars, these expensive edifices with technological and scientific instruments are destroyed. These destructions put a lot of strains on governments of warring parties such that they may not be capable of generating adequate funds to erect these destroyed buildings in a foreseeable future. The replenishment of the expensive instruments could cause inefficiencies in other parts of the government development structures.

But these economic costs are not our current focus. The focus is to investigate how wars are engineered by patients with psychiatric disorders who could use these as a means to steal valuable properties of other less powerful nations or peoples. These wars have not been criminalized because of the religious connotations attached to them. Moreover, because of the economic and financial gains, which unscrupulous leaders make from these unpopular wars, they see nothing wrong with them. The obsessive need to go to war and steal has been characterized as a way of showing superiority and being civilized in the modern world.

Definition of Observed Disorder
I propose the stealing-covetousness disorders surrounding war, or the obsessive need to wage war and steal (Kleptomania krig) as the manner where the strongest men in society, mentally disturbed men, a group of people or race in the world decide to use war to confiscate the properties of other people in the society because of their weak statuses or dispositions in the world. Some of these wars mostly took place during the periods when the strength of the person determines his riches or status in the community. The period is well known for its lack of good laws to govern the people. As a result, there was no peace on earth as the strongest ruled the world, and some of these people became protectors of the less powerful as well who paid their allegiance to these men as Lords or Masters. It is a disorder or a general condition that has compelled many countries in these modern times to utilize the strength of their Armed Force to grasp lands, territories, oil fields, etc., that did not originally belong to them.

Symptoms or Characteristics of this Observed Disorder
The rate at which wars that occurred on earth came about because of this particular disorder has not been emphasized. Certain groups of people through the advantage they had had on the earth succeeded in manipulating the inhabitants of the world so much so that everything that happens in the world should be interpreted or seen from their perspective. Thus a bad thing could be clothed or enshrouded such that it would appear to be good to all that visualize it. Furthermore, the religious people through certain beliefs they held (Ecclefortis)1 found appropriate interpretations to issue when wars of these kinds occurred on earth in their quarters. These transformed the nature of war in that they made them look good in the eyes of their numerous adherents and the majority of people living in the world.

First of all, the symptoms of stealing-covet war disorders which have been termed as Kleptomania krig could be described to reveal themselves by strong adherents of a group of people or nations to supernatural power, either in the heavens or an imaginary one. Individual leaders of the people or figures could then plan the wars to be fought but make sure to ascribe the intention to this powerful being or imaginary being. These persons that become their mouthpiece could be possessed by some spirits or showed some extraordinary behaviors of being in the outer world (which in modern terms could be explained to be possessing psychiatric disorders), an indication that the message coming from them was being issued through the direction of this all-powerful being [15]. These individuals usually reveal schizophrenic symptoms such as auditory and visual hallucinations, delusions, hysterical, frenzy, and confusion states. Some will reveal psychotic symptoms such as confusion, disorganization, and frustration. While some suffer strong paranoid symptoms that would make them disappear to go and live in the desert for fear of being persecuted by the leaders of the people or rival nation. The important thing is that these leaders or prophets warn these people or nations that an impending war to such and such a nation is imperative to take the properties of the neighboring nation because this power from above had given sanction that it should be so. When such a war had been fought and accomplished, it is interpreted that their powerful God gave the property to them.2 The experiences hovering around these stealing-covet disorders wars are such strong that no member of that gang that fought and confiscated the properties felt guilty of having done something wrong. It can, therefore, be asserted that due to this manner of engaging in war, the association of guilt feelings is absent. At the same time, no amount of empathy and identification will be shown to the disturbed leader, as everything is psychologically explained from a religious point of view (Ecclefortis) [16].

Secondly, modern nations that through this particular disorder grasped or confiscated others’ properties always used their cunning manners (“de-nacistsfication of some territories,” super race myths,” “distinct,” “supergene”) to make the war look like the natives’ own request for them to be there while they gathered their booty. Or they shall engineer troubles themselves that shall allow them to stay in the country while engaging in their plundering of the peoples’ properties unknowingly to the poor folks. Later they would grasp this country and its’ land and kill all the people living (as well as destroy their properties while stealing the wheat and crops to sell them abroad in their ships) there to inherit the expanse of land. Other techniques of manipulation known as “management of disorders” and “caretakers” are carried on to stay longer in the vicinity or war zone. While this is going on, the valuable property of the land would be plundered or stolen. They sell their weapons at the same time. The gold and diamond shall become their properties but not these poor natives. This could be well planned later, some of them being their planning to instigate suicide bombings to intensify the disturbances in these areas to win the favors of the natives and further continuous acceptance to remain and operate in these territories or countries.

We will point out that the leaders of these nations that engage in such dubious ventures usually suffer from schizophrenia disorders with well-preserved bodies. They may be cancer patients whose blood has been infected with impending death. They can be drunkards, depressive patients through alcohol addiction, drugdependent individuals either injected or taken through doctors’ prescriptions, retarded leader patients with violent or bizarre behaviors, hidden Parkinson’s disease that troubles some of them with impending death, etc.

Results of the Research with Case Studies of the Observed Disorder
(a) Antiquity (Babylonians, Persians, Grecian, Roman Empires)
According to informant KG, Kleptomania krig was common among these mighty empires that reigned for a long period. He agrees with many others who think that the histories of these wars have been cogently documented. They do see “anything new under the Sun.” The interviews also indicate that scholars of the history of wars agree with the continuance of these wars in the modern world. Their criminal activities and the psychiatric conditions of those leaders who were protagonists have not been hidden. They have been the sources of encouragement to one current leader, VP, whose sick condition is making him wake criminal wars that threaten the whole of Europe and the modern world. Some informants agree with the popular media that this leader is a “war criminal” who has championed modern genocide. Some informants do not exonerate those who oppose SD; “they are all guilty” they asserted. They shall one day do the same thing and arouse suspicions in the modern world.

(b) Biblical Lands and Other Neighboring States
Some informants are also abreast with what is happening in the Middle East and the regions around. They see most of the lands confiscated by these nations as having belonged to other distant nations or people that were weak to defend them. Those nations that currently cry “foul” constantly as having been deprived by the present-day occupiers do not own the land either. They had fought and deprived other people “centuries ago” just as other people had deprived them. “People should understand it and begin to live with one another. No members of specific nations can claim the land to be theirs.” One informant rightly said the occupied land belonged to Antiquity African peoples” who have moved down into the current African continent.

(c) Explorers and Expeditions in the World
Explorers confiscated many lands and caused devastation to the whole world. According to some of the informants, these periods have not abated. Explorers continue to use these principles to connive, acquire and make use of resources that they do not have in abundance in their environments, but others have in abundance. False stories were used by a well-known world leader, JD, to invade modern Iraq. Another important war leader in Modern World, TZ, managed to deceive the whole people that the deposed leader had Nuclear weapons, which he did not possess, but it was strongly alleged.

(d) The New World Empires
Partly to sell their deadly weapons and ideologies and partly to manipulate and lead the world for “recognition” and “frivolous power” purposes, wars were waged and devastation occurred on the different territories of the earth. Informants could not resist as most of them concurred that these manners of waging wars may be far from over as the above empires are still showing antagonistic behaviors concerning the way smaller nations are being attacked by the larger countries that behave as protectors as well as invaders.

Stealing-covet disorders, which have been termed Kleptomania krig, have been the cause of the number of war disorders that have allowed patients (individuals with personality disorders and psychiatric symptoms) to fight continuously and engineer wars all over the earth. They were common among the primitive antediluvian peoples who lived in the middle belt of the world or the Northern Hemisphere. One of the reasons why men suffered during these years was that there was no knowledge about normal and abnormal behaviors, therefore, human beings could not distinguish between them [17]. These people were all classified as normal human beings that could lead mighty empires and become their Kings as well as decide matters affecting people or a group of nations. As these notable leaders became erratic, frenzied, and showed bizarre behaviors, so also the people they ruled suffered from a kind of psychosis known as Norman psychosis that led to an automatic response to commit conspiracies against their wishes [18,19].

Report circulated among the Biblical Israelites and some of the neighboring tribes that their kings and religious leaders suffered from schizophrenic symptoms, such as auditory and visual hallucinations, delusions, hysterical, frenzy, and confusion states. Some of these leaders revealed psychotic symptoms such as confusion, disorganization, self-mutilation, and frustration. While some notable strong men among them suffered paranoid symptoms that made them disappear to go and live in the desert for fear of being killed by the leaders of other rival nations. These were the sick men (psychiatric disorder patients) that warned these people or nations to go and steal while making attribution to their Supreme worshipper’s intentions that this impending war was imperative to take the property of these neighbors and be given to their Supreme leader. This Supreme leader is a god of “war” and “fire,” for he could be angry just like human beings. When success had been achieved, these bad deeds were interpreted that their powerful Supreme leader punished these innocent children and women for showing hatred to his “chosen group” [19].

Modern men and their numerous groups in the Northern and Southern territories of the earth had their modern-day leaders that usually suffered from schizophrenia with well-preserved bodies. Some were blood cancer patients. Yet others were vagrant schizophrenics and had bizarre behaviors such as occurred among the Roman Emperors and the Second World War Leaders. Majority were drunkards, depressive patients through alcohol addiction, drug-dependent individuals either injected or taken through doctors’ prescriptions, retarded leader patients with violent or bizarre behaviors, hidden Parkinson’s disease that troubled some of them with impending death, etc. But, these leaders instead of acknowledging their vulnerable states, were hailed as “heroes” that caused devastation on the planet earth. If some of these men had founded a sect or church on earth, today we would be visualizing the blooming with new members or flocking members who could be going about preaching about an ideology concerning people being transplanted into another planet to come in the future.

Modern psychiatrists and some of the leading informants that were interviewed stated that many of the War patrons (war fathers, ancestors who usually breed wars) had the intention of employing the principle of “management of disorders” or “caretakers” of ongoing wars to prevent complications in the war zones, these all have their priorities. They agree in their data material that some of these nations of current wars are there to continue their “stealing mission,” such as stealing wheat and selling them around the world, yet others are there to enable them to sell their weapons or advertise for the purchasing of their weapons. There is no association of guilt here for the harm done to children and women [20-23], for some of the modern men in the world just like the barbarians of antiquity, war is a hobby that they commonly dream about that it occurs frequently among people. Disregarding the alarming implications for global mental health that affects not only the suffering nation’s citizens but also several of the aggressor nation’s citizens as well as communities worldwide could be affected [24].

Implication and Concluding Remarks
Obsession needs to wage a war of kleptomania krig was common among the people of the antediluvian world as well as the antiquity. It has also been experienced in the world during the last two thousand years among the barbarians living in Asia, Africa, Europe, America, Australia, and other smaller islands as the world emerged into the modern civilization era. Unfortunately, these wars are continuously being experienced in the world today, where the stronger nations believe that they can create wars and then clothe them with false stories (such as denacistsfication of some territories of the earth to protect innocent people living there) to cover up the real intentions.

The world is ripe to not tolerate these kinds of behaviors, which modern as well as the Ancient people had employed to steal the property of the weaker nations of the world. Let war cease forever and only allows it only when barbarians or aliens from another planet are attacking a nation. The war disorder is real as the informants agree among themselves, and there is no way one can continue to repress this truth to allow women, children, the elderly, and the handicapped to suffer unnecessarily on this planet.

Ethics Declarations
Ethics approval and consent to participate: Permission was given to the researcher by the Regent University Ethics Committee on Research. Therefore we acquired permission. Moreover we tried to hide the identities of the individuals. Informed Consent and Anonymity complied.

Consent for Publication
Not applicable

Competing Interests
The author declares no competing interests.


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