CPQ Medicine (2018) 1:4
Conceptual Paper

The Law of Sync and Think

Dr. Ping Zhang

Department of Medicine, Ivy Labs Education Inc., USA

*Correspondence to: Dr. Ping Zhang, Department of Medicine, Ivy Labs Education Inc., USA.

Copyright © 2018 Dr. Ping Zhang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 21 May 2018
Published: 07 June 2018

Keywords: Synchronization; Mechanism; Energy; Network

Regarding the basic mechanism of synchronization systems in nature and neural communications I have some thoughts to share. In the case of metronomes, a mechanical force makes two or more otherwise not synchronized metronomes perfectly synchronized. I am trying to figure out if other natural synchronized systems share the same mechanism. In the case of synchronized fireflies, photon is the major player; and in both the cases of synchronized schools of fishes and birds, the radiation of electromagnetic fields around the body (fishes, a body length apart; birds, 3-4 body length apart) is the main player. However, the photons reflected by all the bodies' scales and feathers could be involved.

(https://www.ted.com/talks/steven_strogatz_on_sync) Because photons move in light speed and electromagnetic waves are also a kind of light, both would have momentum (p) if Einstein's theory of relativity is applied. Then, the "mechanical force" would be established: just like a light speed "rigid network", every individual is tightly linked to each other timely and periodically. Although at the biological terminals, like the optic nerve and fish latera line organ, may have a brief delay, the whole picture of these synchronization systems would be a light speed rigid momentum network. In this picture, a radiation from one individual is also the stimulation to all others and these two functions occur at the exact same time. This mechanism also works with synchronized metronomes if we go back to the original, simplest non-life synchronization system. The law of synchronization is: in any synchronization system, all the individuals are connected to each other rigidly (or in a light speed momentum network), energy radiated from one individual will be propagated to and conserved in all other individuals in light speed. Energy radiated from all individuals will be fed back to each one individual at exactly the same time. Energy tends not to be wasted as the form of entropy; entropy increase tends to be zero; one’s energy output is another’s energy input. The system tends to be energy conservatively beneficial and stable. Compare the randomly oscillating schools, synchronization has the lowest energy state (or the lowest energy cost), that is why all the synchronization systems are spontaneous processes and have universal appeal. Without extra energy input from outside of the system, the synchronization will not be broken. As for how the "school" of neurons in human brain behave like a light speed rigid network and concentrate on a task or "focus" on a neuron disorder, I have the following concern: In the University of Tokyo, I made such an observation: the traveling electrical field mediated transmission of action potentials between excitable cells with the cell-cell distance more than 10mm (an anatomically astronomical distance in cortex). When longitudinal cells are arranged in parallel separately, the action potential generated from one cell can "jump" to other cells and cause all the cells to fire action potentials in concert. If two cells fire action potentials spontaneously and have their own rhythm, they tend to “learn” from each other, adjust their own pace, eventually lock their phases, and "remember" this common rhythm for a long while. For traveling electric field mediated cell-to-cell communication, we need the following conditions: 1) cells must be very sensitive; 2) cells must have certain length and arranged in parallel; 3) medium between cells must be relatively insulated; 4) electric field must be traveling to produce potential difference on the longitudinal cell surface. (see the paper in attachment http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/ bpt6k56752048/f671.image). Unlike synaptic neuronal network, which is a physiological transmission with the velocity of 0.2-120m/s (synaptic delay period is not included), traveling electrical field mediated transmission is a physical process with the velocity of light speed because an electromagnetic wave is also a kind of light. (see the power point in attachment: traveling electrical field mediated "learning, remembering and forgetting" process: learning is epiphany; remembering is lasting; forgetting is ambiguousness). Here again, the process obeys the law of synchronization. Without extra energy input, the things that are remembered will not be easily lost. In other words, forgetting is difficult. We could tell this human nature even from Greek mythology: Lethe, also known as the Ameles potamos (river of unmindfulness). Lethe was also the name of the Greek spirit of forgetfulness and oblivion. In a cortical circuit, the synaptic elements provide delicate and precise connections; while the other elements, traveling electrical field, may provide transient, rapid, flexible rather than fixed connections to synchronize rhythmic action potentials fired from axons which are arranged in parallel and are well insulated by dielectric media. Whether exploring this invisible "tele" bridge linked synchronization or harmony in discrete regions of the brain, would bring exotic fresh air in the fields of neurological disorder, perception, recognition, learning and memory? I believe it is time for us to address "how the brain thinks"---that would fill the gap between the brain and the mind. The law of thinking is: The neural action potentials in human brain circuits produce clusters of traveling electrical fields. The traveling electrical field clusters with similar frequency tend to be synchronized. Integration, imagination, remembering, creation, etc. needs some effort sometimes, however, if these processes are simply synchronizations between different regions of the brain, the energy conservatively beneficial property of sync really helps human beings perform these mental activities with great ease, great appeal and great pleasure. And this law explains why most of the memories are lifetime long, why civilization, art, science, culture are popping up and going forward spontaneously. If this thinking temporarily is not recognized by the neuroscience field, we benefit ourselves first: we all love parallel and symmetric things because our brain feels more comfortable and feels easier to remember. I predict that all kinds of(Hz) synchronization also happens between hemispheres (as well as between cerebral sulcus and cerebral convolution) of our brain in the speed of light to stock various information and to generate creative, imaginative ideas. If we are righthanded (I would like to point out some of left handed characters: Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci, Raffaello Sanzio, Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein) try hard to use our left hands more and try to do some exercises in front of a mirror. Then, our brain would have more balance and more efficient synchronization or coherence, we will be able to remember things better, become cleverer than normal people, and sure enough, we will have better daily lives than all others (I am not joking).

Diagram 1: Comparison of the diseases in teachers and students

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