CPQ Medicine (2018) 1:4
Research Article

Common Illness with Its Remedies in Teachers and Students

Ashraful Kabir, M.

Department of Biology, Saidpur Cantonment Public College, Nilphamari, Bangladesh

*Correspondence to: Dr. Ashraful Kabir, M., Department of Biology, Saidpur Cantonment Public College, Nilphamari, Bangladesh.

Copyright © 2018 Dr. Ashraful Kabir, M. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 19 May 2018
Published: 06 June 2018

Keywords: Illness; Institutions; Remedies


A study was performed in some teachers and students in a cantonment school in 2016. Out of 100 teacher and student in each section most illness was found as digestive and respiratory. Causes are found that bad or unhealthy food for digestive whereas allergens (dust, pollen) are responsible for respiratory problem. Only two suggestions were recommended for them that are changing food habit and controlling environment pollution.

Human very common diseases are chicken pox, common cold, flu, impetigo, conjunctivitis, body ringworm, scabies, strep throat, pinworm and head and body lice. An educational institution is a public/students gathering place. There lot of teachers, students, guardians and visitors are available and all plays a major role for the source of infection. If anybody has disease it spreads to another by sneezing, coughing, handshaking and sometimes any physical contact. In the playground when students play easily contaminated by another. In this case if everybody as well as school authority concerns about institutional hygiene it’s easy to control it. Environmental pollution is very dangerous for spreading germs. In winter season their lots of flowers bloom in most educational institution. Its pollens are the great source of allergy. As children have less immune system so they easily affected by pollens. On the other hand, in air lots of dusts are found; these are the cause for asthmatic problems in some peoples. All workers who are engaged with gardening should maintain extra care for the children. Flowers are the nature of beauty; need not to pluck it or take scents from it. Not only that but also all flowers carry huge minute insects which carry allergen also. By plucking or take scent these insects easily enter our body and create disease. When flowers bloom huge in number we should wear musk and for gardening or planting trees hand gloves may good. In summer season though there are no pollen in campus but excess heat from sun may physical hazards like heat stroke for any peoples. In all educational institutes if possible need to establish a gym for calorie burning and increasing immune system of mid and older aged peoples and students. For increasing health consciousness to the teachers and students in order to survive better in future this article is important.

Materials and Methods
In schools medical centre all teachers go with their problems. Though teachers are adult person and know many things about his/her body so they went with few problems. Most of the time they go outside physician. Some teachers go to the medical centre only for consulting (Table 1, Diagram 1).

Pre-School Section
Here the students are from nursery and kindergarten. They are very little and they have no exam. They will learn lot of things by seeing television, toys, story etc. In this section students are not well known about their health. Students, teachers and parents need to engage themselves directly to the students. Hand washing before taking a food, washroom hygiene and physical contact with their friends need to provide information with a soft manner. Students diary which denotes any comments of students is very important to chick their parents every day (Table 1, Diagram 1).

School Section
Adolescents students are here denoted class 1 to 10. This time is very sensitive for them. This time there some changes within the students are remarkable. All teachers should free-frank in this time to deliver actual knowledge on adolescent period. In this stage need to maintain extra care both boy and girl students. Personal hygiene especially for girls this period is very important. This is the time when students try to know everything and take challenge for anything. For school section if a physician or biology teacher takes initiatives to deliver knowledge on health and food it would better. Hair cut too short, nail cut, clean cloth, regular bathe, hand washing and properly shaving techniques all are very important for preventing sources of infection (Table 1, Diagram 1).

College Section
In this stage the students are mature enough and in class 11 and 12. They took knowledge on their health before classes. What you say they receive easily in this time. In college students especially biology/zoology subject is very helpful for their entire life and base for medical science. In zoology book they learn lots of things about human body. Human digestion, circulation, excretion, genetics, respiration, immunity and blood group all are very important for protecting them several diseases. In this stage only guidelines are enough. College students are facing very less degrees of diseases. As the students passed adolescent stage so their parents and teachers should free to discuss openly. Especially teachers should to form a student’s aim of life. Life is challenging and very competitive students should know and fitness is the first. If a student’s fitness is fine he/she can get anything with happiness. Without fitness everything will blur for their future (Table 1, Diagram 1).

Medical Centre
A well-furnished medical center is very important of an educational institution. In my school/college our medical center is very good to provide maximum facilities. First aid and in severe cases or emergency our car is useful to go to concern hospital. Moreover, we have consultant to provide knowledge on health and food. We organize medical team occasionally where vaccination programme and blood donation campaign runs. Sick bed for emergency patients and instruments all are available here. In every year we select a BNCC team by this medical board. Recently we are trying to establish a pathological centre in our school. In a cantonment school discipline is the first priority. Huge information of the students and teachers were collected from the register (Table 2).


Table 1: Diseases in teachers and students

Diagram 1: Comparison of the diseases in teachers and students

Table 2: Overall diseases in teachers and students with medications

Malaria is followed by diarrhea in adolescent’s stage. This adolescent group is mostly neglected in Nigerian markets, even on the streets without medical consultation [1]. Adolescents’ perspectives suggest that infectious diseases such as malaria, diarrhea, cough, skin infections, flu and typhoid are common diseases [2]. Small children have habits that facilitate the dissemination of diseases such as putting their hands and objects in their mouth, the absence of the habit of hand washing and other hygienic practices [3]. Furthermore, they have also exhibited lower immune system [4]. Respiratory infections are more common in students [5,6]. The majority of cases of acute diarrhea and of deaths caused by diarrhea occur in children under 5 in developing countries [7,8]. Several risk factors have been associated with primary invasive disease: large family, high population density, low income and low educational level. Scabies, pediculosis and impetigo with the close contact between children are very common [9,10]. Family members and workers are also at increased risk of diseases [11,12]. Appropriate washing of hands reduces risk of contamination [13]. If anyone have pet need to maintain good handling of those animals. Proper hand washing requires at least 10 seconds with soap and water [14].

Day by day our consciousness is improving. Now most guardian, parents and teachers moreover students are well known about their health. Now they know the benefits of exercise. Taking less food is good, need pure water and personal hygiene all are important for their fitness. Education on balanced diet, ideal food, scientific life style as well as exercise is important for fitness. Good food controls our all organ system and environmental pollution if less then digestive and respiratory diseases will go down. Knowledge is power, we should remember this sentence. At home, parents should gather knowledge first on human health as well as food, exercise and mental health also. Not only knowledgeable but also they should transfer this knowledge to their children.


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