
On The Plausibility of Neutron Biological Interactions

Joshua D. Rizak

Laboratory of Electromagnetic and Gravity Integration, R.A.S. Innovation, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Dr. Joshua D. Rizak, c/o

Keywords: Proton; Neutron; Consciousness; Cognition; Gedanken Experiment; Space-Time; Unification Physics; Proton-Neutron Transitions; Neuroscience


Neutron Biological Interactions are a novel interpretation of nature. They are based on the premise that gravitational forces and electromagnetic forces are the driving forces behind early molecular evolution, and that these interactions in existing chemistry, biochemistry, and biology have a role in life. Unifying mathematics in exploring the relationship between gravity and electromagnetic theory has described interactions on an infinitesimal or Planck scale. This scale is as ubiquitous in living organisms as it is in the cosmological universe. The plausibility of neutron biological interactions stems from questions about protons (H+) and neutrons and their interaction with this sub-particular space because they have relatively different reactions to gravity and electromagnetism. The proton drives the energetic synthesis of ATP, the predominant energy molecule in biology. A recent postulation in psychiatry suggests that lithium ions provide the anti-manic effect by inhibiting proton flow through ATP synthase in cells. This suggests that modulating proton flow and/or its function in biological energy capture has deep implications in neuroscience and physiology as a whole. However, the roles of protons with respect to sub-particular spaces are generally considered relevant only to cosmology and particle physics. Interestingly, these fields ask questions about proton stability. This consideration asks whether the quantum chromodynamic stability of protons is important to biology, and in particular, the underpinnings of the mind/body relationship, and whether this question of proton stability is a testable hypothesis by considering potential roles for neutrons in biology.

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