
Pregnancy and Cushing’s Syndrome

Emre KÖLE* & Merve KÖLE

Bilecik State Hospital Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology Bilecik, Turkey

Dr. Emre KÖLE, Bilecik State Hospital Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology Bilecik, Turkey.

Keywords: Pregnancy; Cushing Syndrome; Hypertension; Preeclampsia


Pregnancy in Cushing’s Syndrome (also known as hypercortisolemia) is rare. When contractions occur, the complication rates, especially hypertension and preeclampsia are high. Abortions, preterm deliveries and stillbirths are more common. During pregnancy, the pituitary gland is one of the hormonal glands that undergoes most significant anatomical and physiological changes. During a normal pregnancy, hyperplasia occurs in lactotroph cells in the pituitary gland and this results in physiological growth of the pituitary gland. Due to the physiological changes of hormones, the evaluation of pituitary functions vary during pregnancy. In addition, pituitary disorders may show changes in diagnosis, treatment and clinical course during pregnancy.

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