
Foreign Body Granuloma Presenting as a Lytic Lesion of the Ilium: A Case Report

Kyriakos Papavasiliou1*, Sousana Panagiotidou1, Nifon Gkekas1, Savvas Mavromatidis2, Stergios Adam1 & Eleftherios Tsiridis1

1Academic Orthopaedic Department, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Aristotle University Medical School, Thessaloniki Ring Road West, Greece
2Operating Theaters, Surgical Sector, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki Ring Road West, Greece

Dr. Kyriakos Papavasiliou, Academic Orthopaedic Department, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Aristotle University Medical School, Thessaloniki Ring Road West, Greece.

Keywords: Foreign Body Granuloma; Gossypiboma; Ilium; Lytic Lesion; Tumorlike Lesion


Foreign body granulomas, alternatively known as gossypibomas, may rarely mimic aggressive musculoskeletal tumors, both clinically and through imaging studies, potentially leading to unnecessary diagnostic and/or surgical interventions. A gossypiboma is a totally preventable, rather infrequent and under-reported complication, which may have serious medico-legal implications. It occurs due to an artificial material which was accidentally or intentionally retained in the surgical area. We report the case of 65-year-old patient, reporting constant pain for 3 years and imaging studies depicting a non-contained lytic lesion at her left ilium. A CT-guided biopsy was nondiagnostic. The patient had sustained a tibia fracture, operatively treated with internal fixation and instillation of autologous graft harvested from her left ilium. Based on history, physical examination and available imaging (revealing a radiopaque structure), the patient was diagnosed with a gossypiboma. She was operated on, leading to full recovery.

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