
Features of Supporting the Stability of the Postural Control of Young Taekwon-Do Sportsmen with Flat-Footedness

Danyshchuk, A. T.

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Department of physical therapy, ergotherapy, Ukraine

Dr. Danyshchuk, A. T., Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Department of physical therapy, ergotherapy, Ukraine.

Keywords: Stabilography; Athletes 7-14 Years Old; Taekwon-do; Flatfoot


The aim of the work is to determine the degree of imbalance under the influence of submaximal aerobic exercise on posturally significant muscles of the lower extremities in athletes 7-14 years old with flat-footedness.
The influence of submaximal aerobic load on the lower limbs on the stability of the vertical osture of athletes taekwon-do at the age of 7-14 years with flat-footedness of the I-II degree (n = 25) and without violation of the arches of the foot (n = 25) was studied. The regulation of the vertical posture was investigated using the complex for the study of the functional abilities of the musculoskeletal system “DIERS FAMUS” (“Germany”).
It is shown that physical activity increases the linear velocity of the oscillations of the pressure center in both groups. The recovery period of vertical posture stability was less in the group of young athletes with no flatfoot signs. After exercise on one leg, the period of reduced stability of the vertical posture was longer for young athletes with flat-footedness than in the control group: 3 minutes compared to the control group - 1 minute 50 seconds after exercise. The stability of the vertical posture in athletes with flat feet was on average lower than in athletes without violating the arches of the foot.

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