
Does COVID-19 Affect Women’s Mental Health? The Developing Countries Experience

Gihan Medhat ELNahas

Psychiatry-Women Mental Health, University: Ain Shams Medical School, Country, Egypt

Dr. Gihan Medhat ELNahas, Psychiatry-Women Mental Health, University: Ain Shams Medical School, Country, Egypt.

Keywords: COVID-19; Mental Health; Global


With the spread of COVID-19, it rapidly became a crisis of global concern in a matter of few weeks. Its ramifications extended to impact every sphere of human life. The outbreak was initially projected to take an immense human toll on Sub-Saharan Africa, affecting more than 100 million people in the region [1,2]. Many predicted that the first phase of the pandemic in Africa would be devastating due to the region’s fragile health systems and large immunocompromised populations suffering high prevalence of malnutrition, anemia, malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), and, more recently, Ebola [1,2].

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