
Resilience Revisited: Why We Need to Encourage Young People to Be More Resilient

Dennis Relojo-Howell

Department Founder and Managing Director, Psychreg, United Kingdom

Dr. Dennis Relojo-Howell, Department Founder and Managing Director, Psychreg, United Kingdom.

Keywords: Resilience; Mindset; Youth


In the society I formerly knew, the process of growing up meant gaining a measure of durability learned through life’s up and down gests, and slipping the sins and fears of nonage by acquiring the division needed to take care of yourself as you develop. Research has shown that resilience may be re-framed as an aesthetics of life-making in the everyday, requiring the employment of those micro-strategies which help one to live with the present despite an uncertain future [1].
The resilience mindset, unfortunately, is changing [2]. More accurately, a more recent attitude is being dictated upon us via way of means of an entitled and pampered faction of society captivated with microaggressions and ethical subculture and reason on transitioning from the attempted and true `rub-some-dirt-on-it` mentality to the woke-age method of reaching electricity and sympathy abruptly via way of means of swaddling your self in a blanket of victimisation [3].

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