Volume 3  Issue 1

Living with a Mentally Ill Person: A Phenomenological Study of Families Taking Care of Relatives Who Are Being Followed up at University Teaching Hospital (UTH), Lusaka, Zambia

Eva Velikoshi-Indongo1, Andros Theu1 & Ravi Paul2*

Mental illnesses have become a global burden. Almost every family is affected by mental illnesses, either directly as individuals, or indirectly in the manner that the family has to live with and care for relatives who are suffering from a mental illness particularly where disability has resulted from such mental illness. In addition to disability, [..] READ MORE

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Neurological and Behavioral Sequelae of Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Cerebrovascular Accidents in a Developing Country

Orlando J. Castejón1*, Galindez, P.2 & Salones M. Castejon2

We have clinically studied 27 adult and old patients with one or multiple cerebral accidents. The hot weather and poor socio-economic environment were considered important risk factors for cerebrovascular accidents. [..] READ MORE

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Assessment of Nutritional Status of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Ile Ife, Nigeria

OKE, O. J.*, Adejuyigbe, E. A., Mosaku, S. K. & Oseni, S. B. A.

One of the leading neuro- behavioural disorders of childhood is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). There have been controversies on the nutritional status of children with ADHD. There are paucity of researches globally on nutritional status of children with ADHD and no documented study on this in Nigeria. Hence, the need for this study. [..] READ MORE

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Prevalance of Suicide Ideation Among Medical Students at Ridgeway Campus

Iffat Ahmed & Ravi Paul*

Suicidal thoughts, or suicidal ideation, means thinking about or planning suicide [1]. Medical doctors are one of the high risk groups for suicide [2,3]. According to a study done by Schernhammer and Colditz (2004), the suicide rate among male physicians is more than 40% higher than males in the general population, and that of female physicians is 130% higher than females in the general population. This problem seems to arise during medical school [4,5]. [..] READ MORE

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Innovative Strategies to Strengthen Mental Health Gap at Kanyama First Level Hospital in Lusaka Zambia: A Balanced Care Model Using the Who Mental Health Intervention Guide, 2019

Dalal Naeem, M. I.1 & Ravi Paul2*

Despite progress in psychiatry and mental health, the treatment gap remains high in Zambia. A study done in 2015 by Paul et al [1] looking into treatment seeking behaviours in mental health, it was found that the Zambian culture, myths and stereotypes hinder open discussions regarding mental health (MH) and its complications such as suicide which in seemingly on the rise [2]. [..] READ MORE

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The Principles of Macro-Biophysical Neurophysiological Intervention (Pombni) Steer Against Alzheimer’s and Other Dementia to Improved State

Naisberg Yakov, M. D.

Subjects with early or late dementia (ELOD) of Alzheimer’s and others have a common denominator that leads to functional body, brain and biophysical mind deterioration. All types of drug therapy, as well as psychotherapies, proved to be ineffective in slowing down these processes. [..] READ MORE

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