
The Self in Dementia

Sylva Sarafidou

Department of Neurology and Psychology, Ideas, Center of Psychology, Neuroscience, Art, Greece

Dr. Sylva Sarafidou, Department of Neurology and Psychology, Ideas, Center of Psychology, Neuroscience, Art, Greece.

Keywords: Dementia; Self; Selfhood; Personhood; Neurodegeneration; Psychosocial; Treatment; Therapy; Psychotherapy; Alzheimer’s; Quality Of Life


The self is a highly abstract construct, challenging to address in research. The self within dementia tended to be perceived as ‘gone’ due to the nature of the disorder. This though is problematic both theoretically and practically. There are both theoretical and experimental data that indicate the existence of the self, throughout the course of neurodegenerative disorders, fact which raises several important implications. The self should be targeted in the psychosocial treatment of dementia because it could benefit the person from a neuroscientific and a psychotherapeutic point of view. This can be achieved through a focus in all aspects of the self throughout time (somatosensory, cognitive, emotional, behavioural and social), and in the ‘here and now’ of the person. Preliminary data indicate that targeting the self could lead to delaying the progression of the disorder, and overall, improving life quality. More research is required to arrive to solid conclusions.

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