
A Short Communication Pilot Study on Stress and Its Chronic Consequences of College Students

Asmaa Fathi Hamouda1,2,5*, Ashraf Aly Moustafa Hassan2, Ehab Yones Elbendary2, Walaa Omar Abdel Aziz Zeina3, Eman Kamal Omar Mahamed4, Madyha Hassan Mahmoud2, Ibrahim Abdu Khardali5, Ibraheem Mohammed Attafi5 , Mohsen M. Fageeh5, Mohammad Ahmad Attafi5 & Magbool Essa Oraiby5

1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt
2Medical Laboratory Technology Department, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, Jazan University, Jazan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabi
3Faculty of science Tanta University, Egypt
4Clinical Pathology Specialist, Al-Haram Hospital Giza Egypt
5Poison Control and Medical Forensic Chemistry Center, Ministry of Health, Jazan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dr. Asmaa Fathi Hamouda, Ph.D., (2013) Alexandria University, Egypt, Assistant Professor in the Umm Al-Qura University (2014-2016), & Assistant Professor Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, Jazan University (2017-current job)

Keywords: Stress; Cortisol; Body Mass Index; Blood Pressure; Heartbeat


Stress can be described as ‘any provocation to homeostasis’ or the body’s internal balance feeling. It can reveal itself either as eustress or as distress. Eustress is interpreted as ‘good stress.’ It is a simple form of stress that motivates a person to maintain performance, but it influences physical or psychological when being chronic issues. Stresses are issues due to the external environment, psychological or social situations or internal illness, or medical procedures. The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between stress, cortisol level, body mass index, blood pressure, and heartbeat for 44 female university students. Consent was included from all individual associates in the organized and questionnaire practice. There is no particular question of the questionnaire documents illustrates how subjects feel stress, but multiple indicators include sleep indicators, behavioral indicators, emotional indicators, personal habits, blood pressure, pulse rate, and personal medical history. The blood pressure and pulse speed results are range in a clinical lab and parallel with two separate instrumental Citizen and Omron devices. There is a significant positive relationship between stress, blood cortisol level as well as blood pressure and pulse in 44 females university students at p ≤ 0.05; this may be due to stressful situations increase multiple neurochemical, neurotransmitter, and hormonal fluctuations by permanently stimulating the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. That will need further study.

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