
A Practical Guide Regarding Carbs and Sugar Intake Amount for Controlling Postprandial Plasma Glucose (A Part of GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine)

Gerald Hsu, C.

EclaireMD Foundation, USA

Dr. Gerald Hsu, C., EclaireMD Foundation, USA.

Keywords: Plasma Glucose; GH-Method; PPG


This paper provides effective guidelines to control postprandial plasma glucose for type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients. Most food nutrition literatures use terminologies for measurements such as serving size, grams, calories that can be difficult for T2D patients to understand and let alone to be used as a guide. The author decided to use “hand” either palm or fist as the measurement. A hand’s volume is 380 cc which is approximately 160% larger than a standard cup measuring 237 cc. The author studied the impact of food nutrition on diabetes since 2012. He has collected ~8 million food nutrition data and applied optical physics and artificial intelligence to investigate and analyze the relationship between food and glucose. He lists two partial results of high-carb foods and sample vegetables to show how their carbs/sugar intake amount impact postprandial plasma glucose values.

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