
Reducing Power of by Microbes

Shimon Shatzmiller*, Rami Krieger, Galina Zats, Inbal Lapidot & Ludmila Buzhansky

Department of Biological Chemistry, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel

Dr. Shimon Shatzmiller, Department of Biological Chemistry, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel.

Keywords: Microbes; Genetics; Photosynthesis; Methanogenesis


The use of genetics [1] as a tool to achieve the ultimate goal of realizing biomicro-allergy production is essential for the future of sustainable energy. It will also be an important example of a rewarding symbiosis between genetics and energy when it comes to the useful interaction of living creature and technology, which means a perfect blend of biology and industry. The success of this example can also serve as a major change that changes the game by overcoming the ethical, efficiency and economics questions as well as issues that are important to society. As a final word for this discussion on the basics of bio-allergenic production and changing the mechanism from the perspective of genetic engineering techniques.

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