

Badlou, B. A.

PhD Hematology and Drs. Medical Biology, BBAdvies and Research, Research and Development Dept. Zeist, The Netherlands

Dr. Badlou, B. A., PhD Hematology and Drs. Medical Biology, BBAdvies and Research, Research and Development Dept. Zeist, The Netherlands.

Keywords: Coronavirus; RBC; Human


Globally all nations are terrifying and suffering from Covid-19 attack with extraordinary death rate, which the exact mechanism is not elucidated yet. We are living together with Covid-19 with a dual and different feelings 1) prior to patient zero time, and 2) after propagation of Covid-19 mutants with more than 4 million causalities up to now. Last year, a new type (bird flu-like) viral Pneumonia cases, which started spreading from Wuhan, China. Covid-19 mutants attracted the world’s attention by killing healthy people in less than one week with misleading diagnostics and treatments [1-3].

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