
The Differences in the Formation of Hyaline Cartilage of the Knee Joint in Children in Norm and in Flat Feet

Ivantsou, A. V.1, Valchkevich, D. A.1* & Tcydzik, I. S.2

1Grodno State Medical University, Department of Normal Anatomy, Grodno, Belarus
2Grodno Regional Cardiological Clinic, Grodno, Belarus

Dr. Valchkevich, D. A., Grodno State Medical University, Department of Normal Anatomy, Grodno, Belarus.

Keywords: Knee Joint; Cartilage; Fat Foot; Anatomy; Ultrasound


Early assessment of the condition of the knee joints in flat feet is very important when conducting dispensary examinations of children in preschool and school institutions, in sports  medicine, for timely prediction of health disorders of athletes. An ultrasound examination of 180 knee joints of children with initial stages of flat feet and 186 knee joints of health children were carried out. It was shown the significant decreasing in the thickness of the cartilage of the lateral condyle of the femur in children with flat feet.

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