
Implementation Challenges of Global End-To-End Traceability System for Pharmaceuticals in Low and Middle Income Countries: Literature Review

Mende Mensa Sorato1*, Akbar Abdollahi Asl2 & Majid Davari3

1B.Pharm, MSc. PhD Scholar at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutical Administration
2PharmD, PhD in Pharmacoeconomics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutical Administration
3PharmD, PhD in Health/Pharmacoeconomics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutical Administration

Dr. Mende Mensa Sorato, B.Pharm, MSc. PhD scholar at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutical Administration.

Keywords: Supply Chain; GS1 Implementation; Low and Middle Income Countries; Track and Trace System


Aligning around a single set of global standards can support processes and capabilities that create value for all participants in a supply chain, from business partners down to the patients. Serialization being a new concept very little is known about its impact on domestic producers in developing countries.
To identify the bottom line impact of applying global serialization standard on young domestic pharmaceutical production companies in developing countries.

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