
Assessment of Expanded Program on Immunization Coverage and Reasons for Non-Immunization among Children Age 12-23 Months in Jigjiga Town, Fafan Zone, Somali Region, and Eastern Ethiopia

Dajane Hailu*, Mathewos Mekonnen & Bikila Tesfa

Nursing Department, College of Health Sciences, Salale University, Fiche, Ethiopia

Dr. Dajane Hailu, Nursing Department, College of Health Sciences, Salale University, Fiche, Ethiopia.

Keywords: Children and EPI Coverage


Vaccination is a proven immunization tool in preventing and eradicating communicable diseases. Despite increase in global immunization coverage, many children around the world especially in developing countries still left unvaccinated. To assess expanded program on immunization coverage and reason for drop out among children age 12-23 months in Jigjiga town Fafan zone eastern Ethiopia. Community based cross sectional study was conducted from February to June, 2017. Data was collected by using structured questionnaire through interview and observation of card. Data was analyzed manually using tally sheet and descriptive data was presented using table and diagram The overall dropout rate was 95(24%) and 79(21) were not immunized at all. The coverage for BCG vaccine was 332(87.5%) and for Penta-1 was 318(83.9%) and for Penta-3 was 216(56.9%) and for measles was 185(48.4%) and vitamin A 185(48.4). Concerning immunization status of mothers only 47(12.4%) of them completed up to TT5. Based on the finding, the overall dropout rate from immunization was very high that outbreak can happen possibly by measles with its sever sequel as majority of children defaulted and didn’t immunized for measles. Therefore, concerned is recommended to increase immunization coverage through different strategy.

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