
Human Vestigial Organs: Hidden Parts in Medical Science

Ashraful Kabir, M.

Department of Biology, Saidpur Cantonment Public College, Nilphamari, Bangladesh

Dr. Ashraful Kabir, M., Department of Biology, Saidpur Cantonment Public College, Nilphamari, Bangladesh.

Keywords: Appendicitis; Tonsillitis; Vestigial Organs; Rudimentary Organs


Vestigial organs are the troubled side of human life because occasionally we are affected some ailments like appendicitis and tonsillitis which may fatal for our life. Conversely, these diseases were very common in our ancestor. In fact, the word ‘Evolution’ is the most live word and controversially a rational matter to pick-up the evidences on vestigial organs of human body. Applying the theory of Lamarck and Darwin, the medical science department may run speedy for human welfare. In this regard, we may study on found evidences on human fossils. Inevitably, we should focus great emphasis on human evolution in MBBS syllabus. In addition, we should find some similar species which are occasionally affected by these diseases. In test-tube baby, it is possible to cut-down those genes of vestigial organs which are the main target of this article. Being thankful on health, we should believe how wonderful will be afterward by knowing human evolution and the structure and functions of such vestigial organs.

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