
Curcumin and Food Nanotechnology

Michael Naafs, A. B.

Department of Medicine, Naafs International Health Consultancy, Netherlands

Dr. Michael Naafs, A. B., Department of Medicine, Naafs International Health Consultancy, Netherlands.

Keywords: Curcumin; Food Nanotechnology; Oncogenic Pathways


In this mini-review the developments in curcumin nanoformulations as part of food nanotechnology in general are discussed with a special emphasis on the application of curcumin nanoformulations in oncology. Although these nanoformulations overcome poor curcumin bioavailability, there is no evidence for a significant role of curcumin in oncology until now, despite thousands of studies. Long-term toxicity of nanoformulations in food technology and biopharma is not known at all. Therefore, an international framework is required to guarantee the safety of consumers and patients.

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