
Common Animals’ Bite and Zoonotic Diseases in a School of Bangladesh

Ashraful Kabir

Department of Biology, Saidpur Cantonment Public College, Nilphamari, Bangladesh

Dr. Ashraful Kabir, Department of Biology, Saidpur Cantonment Public College, Nilphamari, Bangladesh.

Keywords: Animal Bite; Prevention; Treatment; Vaccine; Zoonosis


In Bangladesh, dog bites are serious which causing hydrophobia both dog and human. For this, need to take vaccine in human. Secondly, we find some snake biting patients but in Bangladesh most snakes are non-venomous which need not any medicines. In Rangpur division, mosquito carries filarial nematode, causing filariasis/elephantiasis. For the better treatment of this disease, in Saidpur (a thana under Nilphamari district) the largest Filaria Hospital is situated. Very good treatment are providing from here across the country. Some people rear psittacid (parrot family) birds but its zoonotic records are not under consideration. Our pet dogs are vaccinated whereas street dogs are not. Careful handling and adequate knowledge on animal biting as well as zoonotic diseases, we may overcome this problem.

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