
Dysphagia and Dysphagia Therapy

Mila Bunijevac* & Stevan Trifkovic

Public Health Hospital “St Vra?evi”, Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dr. Mila Bunijevac, Public Health Hospital “St Vra?evi”, Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Keywords: Dysphagia; Oropharyngeal Dysphagia; Esophageal Dysphagia; Therapy


Ingestion is a complex neuromuscular action involving the muscles of the lumbar spine and the upper digestive tract with the aim of transporting the food (bite) adequately from the oral cavity to the stomach. The swallowing action is divided into three phases, the first of which is the oral phase (voluntary action), and the other two pharyngeal and esophageal phases (reflex actions).

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