
The Role of Vitamin D in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and its Therapeutic Implications

Parth Shah


Dr. Parth Shah, Orlando, Florida, USA

Keywords: Gestational Diabetes; Insulin Resistance; Vitamin D; Fasting Glucose


Incidence of diabetes since 1980s has doubled worldwide, affecting 422 million people globally in 2014. In the United States, gestational diabetes mellitus occurs in approximately ~9.2% of the pregnant women. Women with previous history of gestational diabetes mellitus are highly prone to developing type II diabetes mellitus in the long run. A strong inverse correlation has been found between the risk of developing gestational diabetes mellitus and vitamin D deficiency/ insufficiency in pregnant women. Furthermore, in women who were previously diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus, markers of developing insulin resistance have been found associated with their vitamin D status. Appropriate vitamin D supplementation recommendations are needed as a possible preventative measure for gestational diabetes mellitus and to reduce the long-term risk of developing diabetes.

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