
Promoting Good Breastfeeding Practices among Childbearing Age Women and Their Partners

Adenuga Babafunso Aderemi1* & Olafusi Oluwaseun Olayemi2

1Adex Medical Consult, Unit 17, Sun Industrial Park, Lafrenz, Windhoek, Namibia, Southern Africa
2I-Care Health Training Institute, Erf 159, Rendsburger Street, Lafrenz Industrial, Windhoek, Namibia, Southern Africa

Dr. Adenuga Babafunso Aderemi, Adex Medical Consult, Unit 17, Sun Industrial Park, Lafrenz, Windhoek, Namibia, Southern Africa.

Keywords: Breastfeeding; New-Borns; Childbearing


New-borns have been breastfed from time immemorial. Breastfeeding has been seen as the first step of ensuring a good life and proper growth for babies. With increasing number of mothers and childbearing age women engaging in roles or activities that limit their continued intimacy with their babies, it is obvious breastfeeding patterns will be altered; this contribute to the increase in number of children who are malnourished leading to stunted growths both physically and mentally. It is imperative for all stakeholders to fashion a way of arresting the decreasing number of breastfed children, thus, safeguarding the future of our next generation.

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