Volume 12  Issue 4

COVID-19 War, Death Triangle Is Mutating into a Bidirectional Rectangle and/or Pentagonal

Bahram Alamdary Badlou

COVID-19 infection (more 200 million) and death rate (more than 4.5 million, Aug 2021) are increasing irreversibly, which are affecting whole globe society’s combination toward certain Darwinism’s selection system, concerning human genre. [..] READ MORE

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Diabetes Neuropathic Pain: Therapeutic Agents for the Ailment and Analytical Methods for the Measurement of Their Biological Fluids Concentrations

Chika Mbah, J.

Diabetic neuropathy consists mainly of two types namely, sensorimotor and autonomic neuropathy respectvely. Pain, paraesthesia and sensory loss are common features of sensorimotor neuropathy while malignant arrhythmia, myocardial infarction and sudden death are associated with autonomic neuropathy. [..] READ MORE

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Promoting Good Breastfeeding Practices among Childbearing Age Women and Their Partners

Adenuga Babafunso Aderemi1* & Olafusi Oluwaseun Olayemi2

New-borns have been breastfed from time immemorial. Breastfeeding has been seen as the first step of ensuring a good life and proper growth for babies. With increasing number of mothers and childbearing age women engaging in roles or activities that limit their continued intimacy with their babies, it is obvious breastfeeding patterns will be altered; [..] READ MORE

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Association of the Profile of People Affected by COVID-19 and Cormobities

Ana Michelle Aniceto Nunes1, Thiago Alves Xavier dos Santos2 & Bárbara Kellen Antunes Borges3*

Research on the current pandemic continuously takes on dimensions of immeasurable proportions, especially its effects on public health in the world and particularly in Brazilian territory. Its effects on public health in the world and particular in Brazilian territory. [..] READ MORE

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A Short Report on Managing Obesity for Optimizing COVID-19 Outcomes

Rupa Potti

COVID-19 continues to ravage the continents ever since it was first reported in December 2019 and later declared a world pandemic. As public health continue it’s fight against COVID-19 through primary, secondary and tertiary levels of prevention by creating awareness, education about handwashing, social distancing, mask mandates, [..] READ MORE

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Macro-Biophysical Psychophysiological Therapy in Practice

Naisberg Yakov

Macro-biophysical psychophysiological therapy (MBPT) practice rests on a baseline of applying the volitional shifts on attention, intention vectors as well as oriental methods to challenge mental disorders driving the body into relaxation. [..] READ MORE

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