
Robot-like Construal and Civilisation

Rinaldo Michelini Di San Martino, C.

DIMEC, University of Genova, Italy

Dr. Rinaldo Michelini Di San Martino, C., DIMEC, University of Genova, Italy.

Keywords: Relational Mode; Ensemble Construal; Human Intelligence; Contingent Trends; Total Prospects; Ecology; Sustainability; Heavenly Wisdom or Cosmic Rationality


The cognizance is foundation of the human civilisation by relational modes and ensemble construal, through technology innovations and political deployments. Human intelligence and contingent knowledge are base references, by bottom up wellness and life quality improvements. The ecology and globalisation make questionable the progress sustainability, unless total knowledge and upper wisdom or inner rationality provide top down alternative ventures. The safety might ensue from total upgrading, having spiritual origin or intrinsic backup, through robot-like aids, bestowed as heavenly wisdom or cosmic rationality effects. The alternative relational reading develops from globalisation, by growth/cognition fusion. The study delves ensemble construal, including absolute or intrinsic knowledge references, to deal with sustainability based on frugal alternatives.

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