Volume 11  Issue 6

COVID-19 War, Confusion about Cause-Effect Correlations

Bahram Alamdary Badlou

COVID-19 pandemic is causing more than 3 million causalities and counting; after 2 years creation/ mutations /manipulations, which still no standard cure for its existing. Different catastrophic and un- known yet (side-)effects bring One, in a confusing situation, what could be the next disaster. Therapeutic methods are desired to improve the effects of certain drugs and vaccines in patients with COVID-19, however [1-4]. [..] READ MORE

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Analysis of Excess Consumption in College Students by KPAG Method During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Xia Jiang1 & Bin Zhao2*

With the arrival of COVID-19, some areas are under closed management, bringing about changes in the way people consume. It also leads to the excessive consumption of some people, especially college students. In order to give early warning to unreasonable consumption behavior, this study designed KPAG algorithm to give early warning to consumption risk. [..] READ MORE

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Fundamental Theorems in Medicine: A Perspective

Desmond Ayim-Aboagye

In 2019, Ayim-Aboagye under the motivation of Torsten Gordh in Uppsala University contributed a remarkable article that outlined and characterized the notion of fundamental theorems in Medicine. The theorems, now classified as fundamental laws of medical science, have been widely accepted by many academics as the authentic theorems in medicine. [..] READ MORE

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Systematic Review Protocol: Main Clinical Variables for the COVID-19 Patients’ Management at the Comprehensive Health Care in Brazil

Estael Luzia Coelho da Cruz-Cazarim1, Pâmela Santos Azevedo2, Adrielle Pereira Cordeiro3, Maiara Silva Araújo3, Damaris Salgueiro da Silva3, Matheus José Novais Landim3, Bárbara Caneschi da Costa3, Isadora Alhadas Oliveira Gomes3, Ana Karolina Toledo Fagundes3, Altacílio Aparecido Nunes4, Marina Morgado Garcia2, Marcelo da Silva Silvério5, Alessandra Ésther de Mendonça5 & Maurilio de Souza Cazarim5*

The epidemiological reach of COVID-19, emerging pandemic disease, has aroused concern among stakeholders worldwide about patients’ management. Understanding the factors that influence the management of the disease, which have not yet been fully elucidated, and understanding their associations in the planning actions to cope with disease. [..] READ MORE

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A Study to Determine the Importance of Regular, Protected Breaks for Nurses

Tracy Roake

Public health systems and epidemiologists explore the importance and reality of mental health issues. Nurses work hard and have the dedication which is required to do their job and yet a lot of Nurses do not feel they are getting the required time to have a rest and recharge. [..] READ MORE

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