
Nutritional Habits of Egyptian Primary School Female Children

Enas S. Abbas, Hassan A. Shora*, Hoda A. Abdel Salam & Enas F. Elngar

Department of Pediatrics and Department of Nutrition and Food science, NNI, National Nutrition Institute, Port-Said university and Suez Canal University, Egypt

Dr. Hassan A. Shora, Senior Research Scientist, Head of Medicine & Diabetes Center, Port-Said University & Ismailia General Hospital, Egypt.

Keywords: Nutritional Habits; Assessment; Female School Children; Obesity


Nutritional habits are very important regarding the healthy status of female primary school children. This study aimed at identifying the nutritional habits of female primary school children and their relationships with anthropometric, sociodemographic, physical activities and overweight/obesity.
A cross-sectional study that included 200 female primary school children aged 6-12 years who attended the pediatrics outpatient clinic of National Nutrition Institute, Cairo, Egypt. The participants were randomly selected from January to June 2020.
For each child sociodemographic data, nutritional habits, dietary food intake, physical examination and physical activities. Dietary analysis was done for essential micronutrients, iron, calcium, riboflavin, retinol, thiamine, and vitamin C levels.

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