
Lip Profile Angles in Persons with Different Dentoskeletal Pattern -A Cephalometric Study

Tatjana Perovic1*, Milena Blažej2 & Ivan Jovanovic3

1Dental Clinic, Department for Orthodontics, The City of Niš, Serbia
2Private Dental Clinic, Smiledent, The City of Nis, Serbia
3Medical Faculty, University of Niš, The City of Niš, Serbia

Dr. Tatjana Perovic, Dental Clinic, Department for Orthodontics, The City of Niš, Serbia.

Keywords: Cephalometry; Profile Angles; Lips; Dentoskeletal Pattern


The analysis of the lips position is one of the most important soft tissue analyses indicating the stability of the front teeth position and facial aesthetics. The aim of this study is to establish the values of the soft tissue lip angles of a facial profile in subjects with the dentoskeletal pattern of Class I taken as a control group in relation to Class II division 1, Class II division 2, and Class III.
Materials and Methods
This study included the examination and the analysis of cephalometric radiography derived lateral cephalogram evaluating the profile angles of 120 adult Caucasian orthodontic patients (60 females and 60 males) from the central Balkan area. Generally, the subjects with Class I had harmonic profiles due to the orthognatic jaw relationships; this group was taken as a control one and compared to the other three groups: Class II division 1, Class II division 2 and Class III. The following angles were examined: the projection of the upper lip to face (Ls-N- Pg) the angle of the upper lip (Ls- Sn-Pg), the projection of the lower lip (Li-N-Pg) and the interlabial angle (Sn- Ls/Li-Sm).

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