
Why Mothers are not Responsible for Down Syndrome Children?

Othman Alfleesy

Associate Professor of Forensic Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University, Aden, South Yemen

Dr. Othman Alfleesy, Associate Professor of Forensic Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Aden University, Aden, South Yemen.

Keywords: Down Syndrome; Extrachromosme


Basing on my published article titled : Nondisjunction (extra chromosome 21(T21) and Down Syndrome (DS)) is not a maternal cause. It is a parental issue. An appeal to all mothers throughout the world [1]. I want to remind you that, Since the wrong proposal of Calvin Bridge and Thomas Hunt Morgan in the spring of 1910 for the so called (non-disjunction), as an origin of Trisomy21 and Down syndrome, a hot controversy had been raised. No scientific ideas or hypotheses were proposed exactly, to put an end to this long controversy. This longstanding (dogma) by scientists about nondisjunction (trisomy 21) as a maternal cause, had arrested a creative thought and losing decades of research (109 years) based on this wrong proposals and interpretation. Nevertheless, the false accusation against mothers as a leading cause of T21 and down syndrome is continuing till now without any scientific evidence indicating mothers’ responsibility. The scientists had accepted this genetic abnormality as a result of mothers age(maternal cause), despite no scientific evidence.

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