Volume 1  Issue 3

Why Mothers are not Responsible for Down Syndrome Children?

Othman Alfleesy

Basing on my published article titled : Nondisjunction (extra chromosome 21(T21) and Down Syndrome (DS)) is not a maternal cause. It is a parental issue. An appeal to all mothers throughout the world [1]. I want to remind you that, Since the wrong proposal of Calvin Bridge and Thomas Hunt Morgan in the spring of 1910 for the so called (non-disjunction), as an origin of Trisomy21 and Down syndrome, a hot controversy had been raised. No scientific ideas or hypotheses were proposed exactly, to put [..] READ MORE

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Local Breast Cancer Treatment based on Targeted Oncoplastic Breast Surgery (TOBS) and Breast Imaging

Michael Friedrich* & Stefan Kraemer

Preoperative staging of breast cancer based on breast imaging (mammography, breast sonography and breast magnetic resonance tomography (MR-mammography)) is mandatory. Earlier diagnosis of breast cancer leads more likely to favourable oncological outcome. Histological results of different Interventional procedures guided by ultrasound, stereotactic mammography or magnetic resonance in sense of image-guided wire markings are the basis for planning surgical resection margins in oncoplastic breast-c [..] READ MORE

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Prostate Cancer Management by Hormone Therapy May Increase the Risk of Neurological and Cardiac Disorders

Muhammad Imran Qadir

The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system that cause the production of fluid that forms the semen, the sperms are carried by this thick fluid.
With the advancement of men age, the prostate approximately unavoidably grows larger. [..] READ MORE

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Histone Post-Translational Modifications and Cancer

Lucia Armelin-Correa1* & Cleiton Fagundes Machado2*

Epigenetic involves mechanisms which control gene transcription but convey no changes in the DNA sequences. A series of epigenetic modifications have been described in several tumors and this knowledge is important for the adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease. [..] READ MORE

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Genes Profiling of a Patient with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia on Illumina MiSeq Platform: A Cases Report

Ibraheem Ashankyty1,2* & Edem Nuglozeh3

CML is a malignant disease of the pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell characterized by the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph) and a rearrangement between the BCR gene (break-point cluster region) and the ABL gene. Albeit multiple advances of research in this field, the molecular mechanisms leading to establishment and development of this disease are not completely understood. The incidence of CML is influenced by different parameters like: demography, gender, ethnicity and socio-economic difference. [..] READ MORE

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Virtosome: Is it the Answer to Liquid Biopsy Dilemma?

Ola Gaber1, Ihab Eldessouki1, Mohamed Magdy1, Mohamed Rahouma2*, Mohamed Kamel2 & Nagla Abdel Karim3

Liquid biopsy including circulating tumor cells (CTC), circulating tumor DNA (ct DNA) and exosomes and has been an attractive concept to both researchers and clinicians due to its convenience, dynamicity, universality, and cost-effectiveness. However, when it comes to real life application, it was faced by so many challenges that delayed taking this practice to a more widespread scale and involving it in cancer guidelines. Perhaps one of the most important points made was that the controversial [..] READ MORE

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